Chapter 209. Strange mission. Sarah's blunder.

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Yasenia smiled and said, "Perfect! Now that we know each other names, this will be easier. So, Sarah, I don't want to offend you, but... Are you new to these kinds of adventures? Your movements are too rookie-like. Did your family or sect give you the entry jade?"

Sarah scratched her head, wondering how to answer, 'I can't tell her that I got a copy of the product from a shop that comes from a system, right?'

Sarah lied, "I-I found it in a secret tomb. A-Also, I'm a rogue cultivator. I don't belong to any family or sect yet..."

Yasenia's pupils thinned into vertical lines for a second and then relaxed. 'She lied... Let's test her then.'

Yasenia said with a smile, "I see. I come from the Heavenly Sect, and I got mine from them. You are quite lucky to be able to get one."

Sarah wanted to ask the system what the "Heavenly Sect" was, but she had to answer before that. Of course, she didn't react to the name and said, "T-That's nice; I wish I had someone to give me things like that, hahaha. I almost got into a big problem because of this!"

Yasenia's pupils thinned again, 'So little reaction to the Heavenly Sect? This is one of the supreme powers of the continent, and after hearing it, she seems more confused than anything... What a weird girl. Where does she come from to be this ignorant? Is she a young miss from a hidden family? Maybe she hadn't had contact with the outside until now....'

Yasenia secretly frowned, 'If that is the case, she must be either extremely talented or extremely powerful to be sent here alone... Wait, maybe she isn't alone and separated as I did with my dears. Yeah, that seems probable; after all, she was talking with someone earlier. She may have backup coming. I will have to be careful, or I may end up in deep trouble.'

Meanwhile, Sarah was receiving information from the system. [Host. The Heavenly Sect is one of this continent's top three human powers. They are closely followed by the Rising Talent Academy and the Demonic Sect. If her words are true, you could make friends with her to enter the sect and get resources to get stronger. Moreover, you could begin trying to court her with my assistance.]

Sarah blushed again, 'W-WHO WANTS TO COURT HER!? I'M STRAIGHT!'

Yasenia thought to herself, 'She is talking with someone again... Is she part of an ambush? But...' Yasenia was a little speechless, 'She is blushing again. What the hell are they telling her? Maybe I'm better separating from her.'

Sarah didn't realize that she was taking too much time in her head and continued listening to the System while Yasenia patiently waited for her to speak again. Yasenia wanted to see a reaction that gave her bad vibes to decide with certainty if getting away from this woman was the correct move.

[Host. Her feelings have changed a lot. Although I can't sense anything drastic, I can feel that from an agreeable opinion, her feelings have become wary. But I can't decipher more... Not being able to sense someone's feelings is not something I find pleasant. Host, is this the feeling I'm feeling called frustration?]

Sarah didn't answer the system's question because her mind focused on another thing, 'W-Wary? Why would she? I haven't done something strange, right?'

Sarah looked at Yasenia, who was smiling with a natural yet seductive smile while looking at her. Sarah became a little shy, 'Why is she smiling like that? Does she find me attractive? Kyaa!! M-Maybe I can really court- Bah! I'm straight!'

However, Sarah spoke with a voice that had a slightly sweet tone. "W-What do you want to do from now on? W-We don't know the area around, so being two should be better, right? Do you want to go together?"

Yasenia was speechless, 'She is too easy to read... Like an open book. What the hell is wrong with this girl? Is she super intelligent and baiting me into something? Or is she really this gullible...'

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