Chapter 233. The power of formations. Angel's miscalculation.

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While Yasenia was pampering Kali, Angel decided to approach the Monolith. She thought about how to take on the trial and decided to begin with her physical strength. The little girl was curious about how much physical power she had. She punched the Monolith softly first and then increased her strength little by little. The cute and sweet girl with disproportionate breasts managed to score an impressive 264.

Even though she was far from Kali's 289 or Lui Yi's 299, she showed high strength for someone at the eighth level of the Mental Nourishing realm.

Angel had a high-level bloodline called [Light Molding Glass Sallow], but it was not comparable to Kali's [Life's Origin Nine-Tailed Fox]. Still, once she reached the half-step, she would absolutely be able to crush Liu Yi strength-wise.

Next, Angel hit the Monolith with different combinations of formations, golems, and exploding golems. Her score constantly increased, showing extreme control over her abilities. Her current score was 813! However, Angel wanted to try and reach the 1 000. She thought a bit and concluded that using her typical formations would be hard.

Angel's formations didn't just have to be strong, but also not too complex, or they would be completely useless in battle. This time, however, Angel could take all the time she wanted.

The people around were a little disgruntled at her pause since they wanted to hit the Monolith. However, whenever someone was about to speak and complain, they could feel a pair of Golden Dragon eyes locking onto them. Therefore, under Yasenia's care, Angel could calculate all she wanted.

Tatyana and Yasenia had similar likes and dislikes, so the Death Empress had taken a liking toward the sweet and cute Angel since the beginning. Tatyana could see that Angel's soul was extremely pure, devoid of the malice people normally had, making Tatyana fond of her. Moreover, she was very talented in the formation aspect, which Tatyana was a master for.

Therefore, Tatyana had been teaching Angel personally. The first thing she did was help her learn how to do calculations without the use of tools. This would be extremely helpful for Angel, whether with her formation mastery or battle strength.

Angel's trained and extremely intelligent mind spun and formulated countless formations in her head. She calculated different energy patterns, observed the plaza's geological condition, and measured the air's energy amount, purity, and how many layers of her formations she could superimpose. The little girls did all measurements like a precise machine, with negligible margin of error. After one minute, Angel's eyes flashed and a happy and sweet smile formed on her face. She moved around the Monolith, planting [Glass Nodes] and using some other formation components.

Formation components were composed of flags, rocks, pillars, lines painted by the formation pen, and the "ink" used for this pen. This ink could be made with the combination of countless different materials, and depending on the ingredients, it would add different effects to the formation. Formation masters had to be careful not to mix elements that could react with each other wrongly, or it could even lead to a backlash.

The materials Angel was using were mostly energy-gathering materials, with some light channeling and absorption rocks. There was a flag in each of the four directions and another four pillars in the middle of the diagonal connecting these flags. The [Glass nodes] created three concentric circles, connected by the Angel-painted yellow colored "ink." There were some more intricate shapes inside these three circles.

The formation masters around almost had their eyes popping out of their skulls. The precision, speed, material knowledge, and movements that Angel was showing were well above the level of a Mental Nourishing formation master.

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