Chapter 354. A conversation about Distancia Continent. The wolf's plan.

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The wolfman answered. "T-The name of the Continent is [Distancia Continent], and we are in the middle part of our Continent. The Continent is separated into central, western, eastern, southern, and northern sides."

Kali asked softly, "Which side is the strongest? What are the strongest powers?"

He frowned and asked aloud. "Are you all outsiders? How could you not-"

Yasenia pressured him again, making him shut up. Then, Cecile said coldly. "We are the ones asking questions. Also, you don't have to wait for your guards since we have them immobilized. Trust us when we say your life is in our hands."

The man wanted to curse. He thought that he'd had bad luck this time. However, he didn't make any fuss and answered their questions. "The main powers are the thirty-three clans, nine sects, and three Empires."

Kali and the others were curious. However, Andrea asked about the origin of the Continent's name. The wolfkin looked at Andrea with disdain and answered proudly. "Our Distancia Continent was renamed after the hero who fought against the humans oppressing other races in the Continent. Thanks to his strength and leadership, beast humans rose into power, and we were able to exterminate most of the evil Humans occupying our Continent."

Yasenia looked at him, not fully believing. However, she didn't doubt it too much. Cecile asked on her own, "Is he or any of his companions alive?"

The man's gaze turned murderous for a second. However, he relaxed quickly and answered. "They sacrificed themselves to kill the strongest experts in the human race. Thanks to them, we can have the lives we have. Moreover, this was something that happened seventy thousand years ago."

Andrea asked, "Where do the [Sun Engulfing Ore Lobsters] live?"

"in the Western coast." He answered half-heartedly.

Andrea wanted to punch him, but she realized that she was not the one to ask questions this time around. Therefore, Kali followed it up. "Sir, where exactly? We want her to return to her parents, so they know she is okay."

He seemed to be much more respectful with Kali and answered. "In the [Deep Orean City]. It is hundreds of kilometers away from the coast and underwater, so I don't think you will be able to go there without the proper equipment."

Kali continued asking. "Are humans rare on this Continent?"

The wolfman crossed his muscular arms and snorted. "Not only are they rare and weak, but they are also quite hated. Therefore, randomly killing humans isn't even seen as something bad. Of course, I agree since they are creatures of destruction and innately evil. After the beast humans managed to conquer the Continent, we made a purge of humans. Therefore, they are almost extinct. We would've exterminated them if it wasn't because they really propagate fast and are good at hiding."

Yasenia and the others lifted their eyebrow. Yasenia communicated. 'Let's be careful. Baby, Darling, dear. From now on, if you want to ask something, communicate it to Cecile or Kali and let them speak for you.'

They sent affirmatives and continued listening.

They asked questions about the city before them, and Kali did a great job of making the wolfman slowly show a better attitude.

They actually didn't care about this city because they wanted to go to another one, far away from this man. However, Kali and the others decided to mellow their relationship with him first and then ask other important questions.

Then, Kali moved to another important question. "Sir, how are the realms of your cultivation divided? I'm using another kind, and I'm quite curious."

The man nodded and said. "I would also like to hear yours. The ranks I know of are the Initial Foundation phase, Mortal Transformation, Spiritual King Body, and Ethereal Soul Body. I'm currently in the low level of the Mortal transformation body, quite an accomplishment."

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