Chapter 254. Deep into the mines there is a...

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After thoroughly observing the surroundings, she didn't find any sort of clue, so Yasenia decided to enter the mines. She took out [Draconic Heart], and all her senses became alert. Even if the strength of the enemies from the previous Monoliths didn't surpass the half-step level of the Mental nourishing realm, Yasenia wouldn't become confident because of that. Her life was on the line, after all.

As she walked, Yasenia used her tail in the Sword shape to mark the floor. She didn't know whether it would be a complex network of tunnels or something simple. Either way, this would be a good method not to get lost as easily.

Her tail was extremely sharp and durable. It had already reached the boundary between High-level Earth treasure and low-level Heaven treasure. Moreover, after being coated by her energy coat, its hardness and sharpness increased, cutting the hard soil like a heated knife would through butter.

Five minutes later, Yasenia felt movement from the right. She placed her sword like a shield in that direction.


Yasenia felt the impact and heard something sharp making a strident noise as it tried to claw through it. The impact was strong, but her feet didn't move. The world was going slowly as Yasenia observed the creature that hit her sword. 'It isn't very big. I can use my tail as the main weapon.'

The creature that slammed onto her sword had the size of a large dog, with sharp claws on its four legs and a furry grey body.

Without delay, Yasenia used her tail and constricted the creature's lower half, hardening her scales so that it couldn't damage her. Then, Yasenia she pulled with all her strength and swung the beast around, hitting the floor with it.


Yasenia's tail was relentless as she slammed the creature into the floor and walls, creating very shallow craters. The creature didn't even know where the direction of the floor was as its face kept meeting the hard surface of the mine repeatedly. The powerful momentum Yasenia created when flinging it was enough not to let the creature free from the tight grip of her tail.

This beating down continued until Yasenia saw that it had fainted. The dragoness stopped slamming the creature on the walls and floor and looked at it closely. "I may as well try to find a glaring weakness or something before I kill it."

She observed the fainted and ugly creature closely.

The thing that attacked her was quadrupedal with small back legs and very long frontal ones. The frontal limbs had five sharp and big claws, at least thirty centimeters. Yasenia took the claw and tried to hurt her tail with it.

Sparks flew between them as the piercing sound of metal scraping against metal was heard. 'It can't win against my scales. That is good news. Since they use them to dig, I thought they would be much sharper.

She continued observing and was surprised to see that the creature didn't have eyes on its head nor everywhere else. The furry grey skin was deceptive as it was solid like a rock.

The strength of this one was in the middle-level, approaching high-level, of the third rank.

She tried to remember the name of the creature, but Yasenia didn't have any memory of this beast's name. Driven by curiosity, she continued investigating it, covering herself with a protective membrane.

And she did well doing that because it suddenly awakened and directly spat something at her. It was a gooey blue liquid that certainly looked dangerous.

Yasenia dodged to the side, but it managed to touch her arm. Thankfully, the protective membrane made it so the liquid couldn't damage her in any way. Still, when the liquid touched the ground, it sizzled, creating toxic fumes. Yasenia raised an eyebrow, "Bad little thing. Let's see how resistant your body is."

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