Chapter 391. A promise. Yasenia's considerations. Beast Pocket.

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While the Elder spoke to them, Yasenia and the others decided to return home.

Andrea and Sierra had been waiting outside all this time, but after hearing the commotion, they were somewhat nervous. When they saw them exit from the building, their nerves relaxed.

Andrea asked about what happened, and the others explained the details.

They were silent on their way back but could see Yasenia frowning occasionally, thinking about something.

Cecile didn't hold back and asked. "What are you thinking about, my love?"

Yasenia didn't answer and looked at Ghana and Flanna. "You two should return already. We'll deal with this ourselves."

Flanna nodded. Although they've spent very little time together, it was a pleasant time, so she said. "I'll come back another day if you don't mind."

Kali heard her timid voice, so she nodded. "Sure, unless we have important things to do, we'll certainly welcome you."

Yasenia added. "However, you should avoid relating to us for a while. We'll come to you later, okay?"

Flanna frowned, feeling Yasenia was making an excuse not to meet with her again. Yasenia chuckled and said. "You are here to gain military experience, right? You don't have to be specifically a City Guard. So, in the future, when we open our shops, we'll contact you to work with us. What do you say?"

Flanna got thoughtful and nodded. "Okay, but don't forget about me."

Yasenia nodded. "We won't."

Flanna smiled, and after saying goodbye to everyone, she left.

After seeing the giant woman leave, looking back from time to time, they chuckled. Andrea commented. "Quite a cute girl for her size."

Evelyn commented with a smirk. "Moreover, she had quite a big sister body."

Kali was speechless. "Evelyn, a single breast of hers is larger than your entire body. You could probably hide your entire body in her cleavage. That's just too big."

Evelyn said with righteousness. "There is no limit to the glorious female shape! Only proportion matters! That's the way of the Breast Dao-."


Yasenia tail-slapped Evelyn. Then, she felt that she hadn't done so in a while.

Anyway, the dragoness turned her head toward a stupefied Ghana and said. "Miss Ghana, will you continue to be with us?"

Ghana shook her head. "No, I must inform the City Lord about his child's behavior. You should also expect nothing to happen. Even the Nine sect elder has given you face. The City Lord is not stupid enough to go against your group."

Yasenia nodded. "We have many things related to Blacksmith, alchemy, tailoring, and formations. Once we open a shop in this City, we'll probably be able to increase Koran City's reputation. So I hope the City Lord is wise and makes the correct choice."

The Harpy nodded and said. "Don't worry, miss Yasenia. I've seen already gathered enough information. I'll probably not appear before all of you again, so this is a goodbye."

Yasenia approached the Harpy, releasing a bit of her enticing scent, and smiled. Although she was in a dragon form, Ghana's aesthetics were more general than a human's, so she could admire the beauty Yasenia had in her dragon form in a more personal way.

Therefore, these gestures made Harpy blush slightly.

"Miss Ghana is impressive and has very high skill. If you find that you need another place in the future, you can always consider us."

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