Chapter 203. Death Empress vs Demon Empress. (2)

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Spatial rifts appeared around, followed by an extremely loud explosion. There was a humanoid, winged creature receiving sword strikes that carried enough strength to crack space around, blasting it flying without control.

If you observed closely, the powerful sword strikes cracked her armor as cuts appeared in the unarmored parts. And even when the humanoid, winged creature was blocking some of the attacks, the attacks were increasing in power and were almost unavoidable, injuring the female Demon badly.

The attacker, Tatyana, used her powerful Death and Fate laws with her sword strikes, making it more difficult for the Demon Empress to regenerate herself. After getting thrown around like this, the seeping Death attribute made her more sluggish and worsened her injuries. However, if you looked at the Demon Empress, her face wasn't worried but mostly annoyed.

Nonetheless, the Demon Empress was becoming a little restless as more time passed without being able to break Tatyana's combo. If she were on the same cultivation level as Tatyana, she would be almost defeated by now. 'I have to stop this! I will try to break her connection with fate for a single moment, that should be enough.'

The Demon Empress was having so much trouble with this because Tatyana's sword strikes carried Death and Fate laws, altering fate itself to make them land no matter what the Empress tried, and carrying an overwhelming death attribute, damaging the Demon Empress continuously.



Blood poured everywhere as one sword slash separated one of her four wings from her body! The pain attacked the Demon Empress's brain and made her realize she was in a worse situation than she thought. The pain, even if it was extremely high, only made the Demon Empress grunt. As time went on, she felt the Death Energy killing her inside out.

However, it wouldn't be that easy.

During this time, the Demon Empress had been gathering energy, and now it was time to release it. The Demon Empress' aura swelled and exploded, "ENOUGH!"


The aura explosion hit Tatyana just as she appeared beside the Demon Empress. Moreover, just before that, Tatyana felt her connection with fate being cut for a moment. That moment was enough for the Demon Empress's aura to hit her squarely without letting her time to protect herself.

Tatyana felt like a steel wall slammed her with trampling might and was blasted away, stopping her combo attack. Tatyana flew for hundreds of kilometers until she managed to stop the momentum around her. As her red imperial dress fluttered with the wind, a small trail of blood dripped from the corner of her mouth. Tatyana used her hand to wipe it as she looked at the Demon Empress with indifferent eyes.

The Demon Empress's aura explosion was so powerful that it interrupted Tatyana's fate-altering skills for a moment, making her receive her attack head-on and without protection. So even if she seemed outwardly fine, that aura blast had turned her lungs, stomach, and other internal organs to mush.

Tatyana's expression was serious as she looked at the Demon Empress. 'Her raw strength overwhelms me... Thankfully she is quite average in strength for her cultivation level, or my chances of winning would be even slimmer. A single attack without protecting myself and my internal organs are like this...'

After receiving Tatyana's combo attack, the Demon Empress had a battered body with countless cuts on her armor, body, and even some slashes on her beautiful face.

The slashes were black-colored and pulsated, showing that the strength of Tatyana's Death-law was extremely high even for someone at her level. The Demon Empress looked at Tatyana with rage, 'Such a blunder, this happened for underestimating her. If I didn't have previous experience fighting against fate-attributed experts, I would have been in danger.'

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