Chapter 207. Otherworlder meets a dragoness.

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Meanwhile, inside the secret realm, a woman was looking around. She had western-like features and was looking at the forest around her fearfully. She spoke to the voice in her head, "Are you sure you aren't something evil that is trying to manipulate me? I've read enough novels to know that trusting your kind too much can lead to trouble!"

The voice she was speaking of answered her; its voice was emotionless and dry but sounded fluent nonetheless. The voice was very androgynous but very pleasant to listen to, even if, as said before, it didn't have a shred of emotion. However, this lack of emotion was what made the woman not trust that voice completely and have her reservations with it.

[Host, we've already been together for a month, and you have become an eight-level Mental Nourishing Realm Cultivator. Do you think I would strengthen you so fast if I wanted to do something evil? The most optimal path to control a person is to lead them through dangers while feigning to be their most important ally and letting that person gain dependence. Instead of doing so, I have been strengthening you more than I should have to show my sincerity.]

The woman didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Saying things like that, aren't you becoming more and more suspicious?"

[... Adjusting Host's intelligence parameters. Successfully lowered intelligence stat.]

The woman saw that her intelligence value actually fell one point and was stunned. "O-Oy, I was just joking! Haven't I followed everything you said until now?"

[Host. I'm emotionless; I can't detect sarcasm accurately. Asking host to lower the instances that you joke with this system.]

The woman asked, "Will you gain emotion in the future?"

[Host. That will depend on your effort; I'm just a helping tool. Also, the point I lowered was just visual and didn't affect the host. It was a joke.]

The woman wanted to punch the system in the face, "Didn't you just say that you weren't good with jokes!?"

The system didn't answer, so she sighed, looked around with her honey-colored almond-shaped eyes, and walked forward. "Don't you know what world I come from? There are a ton of novels with systems like you, and most of the time, the system uses the Main Character because of some deep plot that reveals later!"

[Host, to show my sincerity, I guided you toward a hidden tomb with heavenly treasures that changed your mortal body into one with a high-level bloodline and constitution. In that place, you found, with my help, a spatial ring with countless treasures. I don't know what more to do to gain your sincerity....]

The woman blushed a little, "W-Well, if you put it like that, you have truly helped a lot... But why me? I was just a normal woman that died from slipping downstairs! Well, or so I remember."

[Host, I will explain this one last time because we always have this conversation. Even my emotionless self is starting to understand the emotion called 'annoyance' after being one month with you.]

The woman blushed even more, "Y-You are too mean to me!"

The voice in her head, or her system to put it short, said, [Us systems, are born from the World's Will. We are planted inside people that come from other worlds, transmigrators, with the only objective to guide that person into becoming a God or something more. I don't have the data of why we must do this, but that is what we are created for.]


The woman suddenly heard an enormous explosion, like a bomb exploding nearby, coming from the east and was extremely startled, "Ahh!!! I'm going to die!!"

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