Chapter 223. Behind the Gates... A normal town?

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When Yasenia, Kali, Sarah, and Angel crossed the Heaven gate, an aura surrounded them, which attracted the surrounding dense energy toward them. Yasenia felt extremely comfortable with this, and the [Celestial Pear] in her dantian spun slowly, absorbing the aura passively.

The others also felt extremely good, as if their pores were breathing and their lungs could hold more air. The energy gathered in them, and they could feel that they had advanced toward the next level by a big chunk. Yasenia also realized that the Pearl in her dantian gained a little of its previous majesty.

After her vision, the beautiful tricolored swirling Pearl had become somewhat dull, and no matter what Yasenia did the last week, it didn't even move. The golden, silver, and white that composed the Pearl also stopped moving. However, this event 'resurrected' the golden color, restarting its movement in the Pearl. Yasenia smiled gleefully. She was confident in grasping the basics of the Celestial attribute with her next contact with it.

Yasenia and the other's vision flashed white for a second, and then they appeared inside the town. They looked around and were shocked. What greeted them wasn't an abandoned town or a ruined place. It was quite the opposite.

There were a lot of buildings in perfect condition in front of them and a street that divided in two about a hundred meters in the distance. The roads were made of rock slabs and were wide at least two-hundred meters.

However, the thing that made Yasenia and the rest open their eyes with shock was the mortal people walking on the streets. There weren't a small number of people. It was bustling with all kinds of commerce, entertainment, and things you would see anywhere else.

Moreover, the cultivators that entered through the other gates were also present right beside them. Yasenia laughed at the absurdity, 'Did we have no benefit besides the cultivation boost? I can't complain since it let me increase almost a quarter of what I needed in total, but...'

Leaving the disappointment that she felt about the rewards apart. There was one thing that Yasenia didn't know.

Yasenia lifted her beautiful straight eyebrow and said with wonder, "This is quite unexpected. I didn't know that people could live inside a secret realm."

Angel said, "look, the aura around the cultivators is visible, and depending on it, the residents treat them differently."

Sarah asked, confused, "But it is disappearing, right? Look at us; the purple aura around us is getting thinner by the second."

Yasenia tapped the floor with her tail, "It may be the energy we couldn't absorb after crossing the Heaven Gate or the others. Look at that person; after crawling through the Waste gate, she doesn't have anything around her. Those from the Mortal Gate have a thin layer of green energy. And the ones that passed through the Earth Gate have a thick layer of blue."

Angel chuckled, "We are like lanterns with this amount of purple around us, hahaha."

Kali frowned, "I hope there are more rewards than being treated well by people for crossing the Heaven Gate. I almost had to sacrifice my [Golden Crown]. I really don't like when she dies."

Yasenia looked at Kali awkwardly, "Sorry for blasting her into pieces in our first spar, honey. I will try to control myself in the future." Yasenia even looked at the three-meter-tall green voluptuous woman that was basically a copy of herself and bowed, "Sorry for destroying you."

There was a flash in the [Golden Crown] 's gentle green eyes that no one realized, but she didn't answer Yasenia's apology. Kali was somewhat sad that she didn't react, but then she smiled under the veil, caressing the elegant and beautiful big green hand, "Little by little. I'm thinking of a name for you. I hope it will give you more intelligence when you hear it."

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