Chapter 294. Yasenia's Changes. (R-18)

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Trigger Warning: I've decided to put it even if nothing really happens. Yasenia rubs Han Xue with her hand to get information from her. It is a small scene, so it is very skippable.

Also, the reason Yasenia is somewhat cold si that she is numbed. I can't write Yasenia with no changes after twenty years. That would be dishonest. Once she meets with her Harem members, you will see a drastic transformation.

Here's a hug. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

I hope you enjoy the chapter~.


She didn't want to delay much, so she placed a hand on the handle, ready to open the door. However, Yasenia froze for a second.

The sounds on the other side of the door weren't something Yasenia didn't understand. She silently peeked inside; if the person in the room were Han Xue, she would have to barge inside since she wanted to know about the Trial position. But first, she had to check.

When she opened the door silently, using her energy to open the lock, she spotted a naked woman on the edge of the bed going at it. She was indeed Han Xue and was alone in the room.

Yasenia's face became somewhat strange, but not because Han Xue was masturbating. Her expression was strange because of the thing Han Xue was masturbating to.

Inside Han Xue's room, a lifelike and detailed statue of herself was standing in a seductive pose. The details were so well carved that the only difference between Yasenia and the statue was that Yasenia could move.

A memory flashed in Yasenia's head. 'I forgot that Han Xue wanted to ask Angel to make a statue of me. Hmm, although I really don't want to interrupt her happy time, I want to find Angel as soon as possible.'

Yasenia didn't barge inside directly and closed the door. Then, she knocked on it.

Of course, the Mayoress didn't stop her business and shouted. "I'm busy! Come back later!"

Yasenia didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She spoke aloud, "Han Xue, it's me, Yasenia. Can you open the door?"

Right after, her enhanced hearing sense heard a gasp and the sounds of a person fumbling around. "W-Wait a moment, Yasenia! I-I was in the middle of something, I will open the door in a second!"

Yasenia didn't have to wait more than a minute until the door opened.

The woman behind the door had messy clothes, red cheeks, a sweaty forehead, and rough breathing. 'Even a blind man would be able to know what you were doing, dear Mayoress.'

Han Xue, still hoping to fool the dragoness, smiled and asked, trying to sound natural. "Dear Yasenia, what are you doing here? You really caught me off-guard."

Yasenia smiled and walked inside the room. Han Xue wanted to stop her; she didn't ventilate the room enough! It had been a while since she had been at it, after all. However, she couldn't stop the one-head taller woman in any way. "Y-Yasenia, we can speak in another room..."

Yasenia ignored the obvious smell and asked, "Where is the place that opens with the [Crystal Key]?"

Seeing Yasenia walk and sit where she was before with a seductive smile made Han Xue's face feel as if a fire had started on her cheeks. 'S-S-She knows!'

Han Xue thought that she didn't have anything more to lose, so she pointed at Yasenia and said, "I-I will tell you if you compensate for interrupting me!"

Of course, Han Xue wasn't serious. She just wanted to banter a bit with Yasenia.

What she didn't expect was for the dragoness to frown for a second and then smile while looking into her eyes. Her heart was already beating fast because she was still in the mood, but that looked made her core squeeze.

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