Chapter 246. Kali, Angel, and Yasenia. (1) (R-18)

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Thanks to the new Patreon mjkensotock!


They entered the room, and Yasenia placed down a sound-canceling and protective formation. She wanted to make sure that even if they were attacked in the middle of it, she would be able to react.

Angel saw that it wasn't the same inn as Sarah's, so she relaxed slightly. Even if she found it very arousing to go through what Yasenia described before, she wanted to prepare her heart somewhat.

However, this calm only lasted for a short moment as Yasenia's words made her heart go wild again.

Yasenia looked at Kali and smiled seductively, "Kali, my love. I know we still can't take the final step, but... Would you like to see Angel and me do it? If we can take this step, I'm sure we will be able to cross the last line soon~."

Both of them flushed--Angel from a mixture of excitement and embarrassment and Kali from pure embarrassment.

Kali felt her heart beating too fast, so she wanted to say no, but her disobedient fox tail was wagging too fast to be believable. Yasenia saw this, and her smile deepened.

Kali hid her face between her hands in embarrassment as her tail continued to wag.

Angel was also blushing, her tights were rubbing each other, and her eyes told Yasenia that even if shyness was the main feeling, they had some kind of expectation within them. 'Good, both of them are positive about this. Let's start then~.'

After Yasenia was sure they were okay with it, she walked toward Angel. "Kali, if you feel even slight discomfort. Don't fear stopping us even if we are about to reach orgasm, okay? We are doing this for you."

Kali looked at Yasenia's serious golden-slit eyes that left no room for arguing, and she nodded, still feeling shy.

Yasenia smiled, satisfied, and turned toward the fidgeting Angel. Yasenia's tone deepened and weakened Angel's legs. "I'm going to make you scream in front of Kali until you are hoarse, Angel~."

Angel almost lost her leg strength because her heart was beating too fast.

Then, Yasenia picked up Angel, and they closed the distance between their mouths. Angel was too excited and ravenously devoured Yasenia's soft lips and tongue. "Mmm~, Yasenia~."

Yasenia could feel Angel's eagerness through their kiss, so she moved toward the middle of the room, where the bed was placed. It was somewhat small, so Yasenia stored it inside her ring without stopping her action with Angel.

Kali looked at their kiss attentively. She was shocked by Angel's eagerness. She thought that she would be calmer because of her soft personality, but Angel was kissing Yasenia as if she wanted to slurp everything inside the dragoness's mouth.

Then, the dragoness took out a bed big enough to let Kali sit and themselves do their thing. She gently placed Angel on the bed as they kissed, covering her with her tall and voluptuous body.

Even if Yasenia had some lust accumulated that she would love to vent inside Angel, Yasenia didn't plan to do it rough. She wanted to have their usual gentle session. This way, it would be harder to trigger Kali in any way, and she knew that Angel preferred gentle sessions over any other kind of kink.

Therefore, Yasenia began undressing Angel while whispering in a breathy and seductive voice. "My baby is such a good girl~. Tonight I will pamper you however you want~."

Her hands caressed Angel's body gently but using enough strength to let Angel feel her caresses. The hands were like the touch of a gentle goddess, yet as arousing as those from a seductive demoness.

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