Chapter 388. Best Alchemy Market in Koran City.

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Ghana didn't need Kali to tell her because the second she made that proposal, the eyes of all the people present seemed to lock onto her, pressuring her badly. 'Crap, I hit a landmine the first time I spoke.'

Of course, they just applied pressure for a moment. Although they didn't like when people treated Yasenia as merchandise, they also understood that it was natural because of the nature of this Continent.

Kali smiled and commented. "You should've guessed it already, but we take very seriously when someone offends our dragoness. Therefore, if you want to have a good relationship with us, I advise you not to have any intentions toward any of the individuals present."

Ghana nodded quickly and said. "I'm truly sorry. I will be careful in the future."

Then, she asked. "What merchandise do you have, miss? I can help you evaluate it if you want."

Kali answered. "Our merchandise is varied and exotic. However, we are planning to auction our items in the Brilliant Auction. We haven't gone there yet because we've been acclimatizing ourselves to the living condition in the Koran City."

Ghana nodded and asked. "Did you plan on there today?"

Kali shook her head. "No, we must still visit one of the most prominent alchemy shops. After doing so, we'll go to the auction house."

Ghana nodded and looked at the humans. However, this time she didn't ask. If they didn't speak about it, she would not ask. Then, remembering what the City Lord told her to do, she felt a headache incoming.

Regardless, she had to try nonetheless. "Respectful misses, since you know that I come from the City Lord Mansion, I would like to ask if you can open a day to speak with our City Lord."

Kali answered noncommittally. "We'll see what we do. As long as we have time, we'll certainly go visit the City Lord."

Ghana nodded, satisfied with the answer. Although it wasn't a yes, at least, it was a rejection.

Cecile turned toward Flanna and asked, "So, now that we are all together. How about you speak about yourself a little?"

Flanna nodded, "I'm the daughter of one of the guardian elders of our race. Our tribe moved from the central part of the Continent some centuries ago, and we've settled nearby. Because of the importance my race attaches to military training, I've been doing guard duties for some months already."

Then, she said with an embarrassed smile. "Until now, I've never had little people as friends, but I want to become your friend!"

Evelyn hadn't listened to her previous reasons, so she reflexively asked. "Why?"

Flanna said embarrassingly. "I-I don't have many friends, and I felt like you all were good people. So I just... umm... want to get to know all of you."

Yasenia looked at the others and communicated mentally. "Well, having two people with us can be a plus. So, we can let you come with us for a while."

Andrea transmitted to Yasenia's and the other girls' minds. "Isn't it going to be a bit of a bother to carry a giant with us? I mean, she won't be able to enter most establishments we visit."

Yasenia said. "Since we already have Sierra, it won't be different. Moreover, if we enter a place of normal human size, we can have her outside with Sierra and one of us, we should be able to avoid many troubles with her help. Who knows if there are people who will try to kidnap Sierra or something? Flanna seems like a good girl and also seems to have some influence; we lose nothing by getting close to her."

They nodded, finding her reasoning acceptable.

Kali said aloud. "Good. Since we now know your intentions, let's go out. We were going to walk outside today either way."

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