Chapter 217. Sunlight assimilation and... Noon!

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There were almost 40 creatures that joined Yasenia from the surroundings. They were beasts in human form, some beast humans, and some students from the Academy.

Yasenia understood why would the academy students come out since she had worked her popularity and connections during the last months. Still, she didn't understand the motivation behind the Beasts and beast-humans. Yasenia's head spun rapidly. 'Empathy? Not possible, even if one or two would maybe join because of this, it is not enough to move almost forty people.'

Yasenia internally frowned, 'Do they want to support someone like them who has influence in a continent filled with humans? Also not logical to do that by joining a group that seems to be about to be destroyed... I can't understand.'

There was one detail that went over Yasenia's head, her dearest mother! Why would this happen except for that number one daughter-con demigoddess outside the secret realm? Tatyana wasn't someone that would send her most precious little treasure inside a dangerous place without backup plans.

Before entering the secret realm, Tatyana had ordered all the beast clans under her one thing. To tell their juniors to help Yasenia if they could when they met with her inside the secret realm. Of course, saying it literally like that could lead to some backlash because of indignation, so Tatyana approached it cleverly with her tactics.

Like promising treasures, status, cultivation methods, or even beast cores. The language she used was also careful and meticulous, leading the beasts to suggest protection for Yasenia from their own mouths. Tatyana knew that even if she could force them, it would eventually lead to instability and revels appearing.

Moreover, The beasts obeyed because the seniors of each clan knew Yasenia's bloodline level was practically unheard of in the Sky Continent and its surroundings. Not even their ancestors had such a high-level bloodline. Hence, they all hoped that the now young dragoness would one day grow into a ruler leading the beasts to a prosperous era. Nonetheless, even with all of these schemes, there were a lot of voices against the motions in the beginning.

Still, could they fight with Tatyana's serious effort in making this go through? Tatyana's invisible but all-powerful hand could reach everywhere in the Sky Continent!

During Yasenia's growing period, especially after she entered the Academy, the Death Empress continuously bent or crushed those opposing opinions as she willed them with numerous and different tactics. All so that her little treasure would have something to rely on if the path she chose had a dead end.

Conquer the continents? Gain influence to become a ruler? Go against the main powers to gain resources for herself?


Tatyana practically played the whole Sky Continent and the surroundings on the palm of her hand just so her little treasure always had a safe netting. Something to cushion her dearest's fall should she ever fail during the dangerous, difficult, and long path called Cultivation.

Meanwhile, after seeing so many people going out confidently behind Yasenia, the same effect that happened when the demon incited those people occurred, this time in Yasenia's favor. Other humans hiding in the surroundings also took a step forward, adding fifteen more people. This left Yasenia's side with ninety people, including the woman and her followers.

Although our dragoness was internally surprised and didn't understand why so many people suddenly joined her, she didn't miss the chance and acted confidently and smiled at the demon. "Look how badly you count. I have 90 people by my side, not three."

The demon sneered and said, "Even with that number, isn't your overall strength lacking against us? We still have thirty more people, enough to kill all of you easily."

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