Chapter 256. Giving up the scroll and the Impossible Monolith.

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Sarah's heart jumped, and she almost shouted. She didn't expect the dragoness to approach behind her stealthily. With a somewhat stiff expression, Sarah turned and looked at the smiling tall dragoness behind her. "W-When did you appear behind me? You almost gave me a heart attack!"

Yasenia chuckled and asked again, "So, is that thing valuable?"

Yasenia knew that Sarah had all her rights to keep her secrets, but this didn't mean that she would let something that could help her dears go easily. There weren't things like fairness when competing for supremacy in this world.

Yasenia didn't mind taking it from Sarah if she could get another powerful treasure. Of course, she won't be too forceful in her approach, but that didn't mean that she wouldn't try to take it.

Sarah said, her voice somewhat nervous. "N-No, I just wanted to look at it. I'm actually surprised that broken things like these could enter the place where we should be getting rewards."

Yasenia walked around Sarah as she listened to her. Sarah saw Yasenia reaching for it with her tail, then lifting it from the ground and placing it on her hand. Yasenia used the whole extent of her dragon instincts to find some value in it. 'I can't feel anything... Was she truly looking at it for curiosity?'

Sarah was looking at Yasenia nervously as she asked the system, 'W-Will she be able to see anything, system?'

[Host, don't worry. No matter how heaven-defying her strength is, she is still young and inexperienced. She won't be able to feel anything from it. Not even a high-bloodline dragon within the Transcendence Realm would be able to feel its value.]

And the system was right; Yasenia couldn't sense anything coming from it. However, a quick side glance made Yasenia aware of Sarah's current nervousness as she held it. 'Since I'm not able to see anything coming from it... It must have been the thing possessing her that told her. Maybe it is even more precious than a Transcendence ranked item... But I find that too far-fetched... Why would the creator place something so powerful in this place?'

What Yasenia didn't know is that the ancient high-level cultivators and even many in this time and era loved leaving powerful treasures in their inheritances and leaving everything to Fate or Destiny. In their opinion, only those that have a connection with the item would be able to gain them.

Yasenia frowned, but something flashed inside her mind. She remembered her sword. Then, it suddenly didn't seem that impossible. 'Should I steal it and bet I'm right? There are other treasures I want for Cecile and Andrea, thought, and I don't know how many times I will be able to enter the treasury....'

Yasenia decided to take the most direct approach. Rather than play mind games, she rather bet on Sarah's nativity. Therefore, she looked directly into Sarah's honey-colored eyes with her goldens and asked, "Is this item powerful?"

Sarah looked sideways for an instant and then said with a smile, "It shouldn't be, right? It is just a tattered scroll. What is there to be valuable?"

Yasenia was silent for five seconds and then smiled, "Then, if I take it, you wouldn't mind, right?"

Kali and Angel looked from the side, wanting to see what Sarah would say. They caught something wrong as soon as Yasenia began following Sarah stealthily after entering the Waste Gate Treasure room.

They were also focused on the scroll in Yasenia's hand, unable to feel anything from it. It looked like normal papyrus used in common scrolls.

Even if her face remained calm, Sarah began sweating under Yasenia's penetrating slit eyes. She truly felt naked when those golden dragon eyes locked onto her.

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