Chapter 323. A single ray of hope in an absolutely desperate situation.

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Yasenia and the dragon image behind her looked at the Heavens past the two seniors, ready to receive their attack.

As a response to Yasenia's deep and resounding dragon roar, the Heavens answered with a rumbling sound that shook the earth. They were giving the last warning.

The Heavens wouldn't let a supreme being be born that easily. However, if Yasenia insisted, they would attack her regardless.

Nevertheless, Yasenia didn't back off. With a broken body dripping with blood and weakening by the second, she welcomed the challenge.

The people around were unbelieving. How could a single creature be so stupid? Going against the Heavens was spelling certain doom.

Nevertheless, there she was, floating above a big Black Sphere and bleeding on it constantly. Behind her, the image of a powerful-looking dragon flapped its wings majestically. The dragon had a Sun and a Moon on each wing, with a blue body that seemed littered with stars and constellations.

A truly captivating and mysterious-looking creature.

Meanwhile, after they saw they couldn't stop her from taking that decision, Tai Yang and Change'er eyes cooled down.

The second Yasenia took that Celestial Energy thread, they knew their plans would be disrupted. However, they couldn't do anything then, so they just observed from a distance, waiting for a chance to arise. Most likely, when Yasenia was weakened, they would implement their plans in advance.


The Heaven's thundered one more time! Announcing their impending attack. The multicolored lightning circled in the cloud above Yasenia, getting charged further.

Yasenia's gaze remained firm, looking straight at the Heavens, and she pointed her sword upwards. Then, without fear, she shouted with all her might. "Heavens, if we fight, only one outcome will be possible!"

"Under this Heaven!"

"Above this Earth!"

"Only I shall remain victorious!"


With that declaration, the [Primordial energy Core] began absorbing all the energy in the surroundings one more time, and the [Celestial Pearl] spun, feeding on the rampant Celestial Energy going across Yasenia's broken body.

Then, Yasenia tried to control that monstrously powerful energy with her [Empyrean Galaxy Domain], summoning a blindingly beautiful galaxy behind her.

Then, she coated her body in the [Celestial Dress], increasing her affinity with the Celestial Energy.

Next, she used [Dragon Authority] to further strengthen her overall aura.

Finally, she concentrated all that energy inside [Draconic Heart], igniting the powerful blue sword with a starry glow.

Everything Yasenia learned and achieved until now was gathered in a single strike.

However, Change'er and Tai Yang, as promised, strengthened the lightning bolt.

With their intervention, the multicolored lightning, now surrounded by a silvery and golden coat, finally left the cloud and fell toward Yasenia.

It wasn't thick; on the contrary, it was just a finger-width lightning bolt.

Still, the air under it compressed and exploded. It didn't fall quickly, but the aura it carried made it impossible to dodge.

A visible shockwave dragged behind the thin bolt, adding to its terrifying sight another layer of danger.

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