Chapter 348.Tang Xian and Long Baidi. The End of the Secret Realm is near!

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While Yasenia and the girls counted their spoils, Long Baidi and Tang Xian appeared very far away. They were in the vicinity of the mountain Evelyn was in the past. It was the place they marked for their life-saving treasures to transport them to in case of an emergency.

Since they were the successors of their respective families, they had three life-saving treasures each. A spatial treasure, a defensive treasure, and an attack treasure. In their fight against Yasenia and the others, they consumed everything except Long Baidi's attack treasure.

However, even though their protection treasures activated, they would only activate when the damage was enough to become lethal. That's why Yasenia's attack managed to injure Long Baidi so badly before it activated.

What did this mean for Tang Xian?

Well, at the moment, the woman was screaming like a shrew with a voice laced with pain, anger, and madness. "I am going to kill that beast! My face! My face!! AHH!! I want to eat their flesh!"

The protection treasure and teleportation treasure activated while Angel's attack hit her, so her skin, hair, and robes were burned extremely badly. The result was a deformed face that would make our dear Fox's scars look like small deformities.

She looked horrendous, with her skin melting in some places and bubbling in others. Thankfully or not, depending on which side you were, these wounds weren't enough to kill her. Moreover, Tang Xian still had her spatial ring, so she had some healing treasures with her.

Long Baidi looked at Tang Xian and his face twisted with disgust. Although they were fiancees, he wasn't someone who would support Tang Xian in this situation. The anger from losing his ring and arm, receiving grave wounds, and the rage burning inside him formed an extreme dislike toward Tang Xian. 'Why didn't her attack kill Yasenia? Why was she so stupid and screaming like a shrew? Isn't she a Fate user? Why couldn't she predict all of what happened? Those people she recommended were useless.'

Those thoughts circled inside his head, feeding his ego as he convinced himself that everything that happened was Tang Xian's fault. However, he wasn't incensed enough to snap at Tang Xian yet because he could feel that the protection in his ring wasn't broken yet.

As long as this protection remained, he would be able to recover everything in the future.

He looked at the woman screaming profanities and said with a flat tone. "We've underestimated her because we had the [Demon Golden Nail] with us. However, we've used both of them, and it didn't even protect us fully."

Tang Xian took out a lot of medicinal salves, pills, and incense and smeared them over herself.

After she gulped them down and felt her body healing, she continued screaming like a deranged person.

"Fucking shitty treasures! Aren't they Transcendence Ranked treasures!? Why am I burned? Why could she burn my perfect face!?"

Long Baidi was getting annoyed.

He was already mad about the wounds he received and losing his ring, only to have this woman screaming at him as if he owed her something. "Tang Xian, stop screaming and relax for a second. We-"

"Relax!? How can I relax when they are still alive!? I'm going to send thousands of men to ra-"

Long Baidi's patience snapped, and he shouted. "SHUT UP! So what if we had the treasures!? She slammed us around like ragdolls! Your fucking arrows were so weak they couldn't pierce her scales! Useless! Not even your enhanced attack by the [Ending Fate Arrow] could kill her!"

Tang Xian's eyes opened wide, and her face morphed with rage, making her face even uglier. "HUH!? You dare blame it on me!? How would I be able to shoot when your fucking weak ass couldn't maintain her in place! Moreover, I had that arrogant woman shooting arrows at me constantly! If her pressure didn't slam you to the ground, I wouldn't have been able to use the arrow! If one of us is useless, it is you!"

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