Chapter 376. The morning after. (R-15)

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Morning came, and the sun began lighting up the sky.

In the main bedroom, our girls woke up one by one. Although their previous night was tiring in a way, cultivators at their level needed not much rest.

However, they all were feeling lazy.

It was undeniable that Yasenia had done an excellent job of satisfying their desire for her. Nevertheless, when they didn't spot their dear dragoness on the bed, they all decided to wake up.

Evelyn moved to the side of the bed, and when her feet touched the ground, she yelped. The others looked at Evelyn with confusion. Andrea asked, "What's wrong?"

Evelyn's face had a slight blush as she said. "Yasenia got my waist to work yesterday night, and I'm feeling the after-effects."

They had various reactions while looking at Evelyn rubbing her waist. Andrea chuckled. "You've finally got the night you wanted."

Evelyn nodded. "I didn't expect to be so good. Although I prefer her human form, I almost lost my mind while the dragoness fucked me."

Andrea laughed and asked. "Do you need help?"

Evelyn rolled her eyes and stood up. "I can deal with this bit of pain."

The others saw Evelyn's wobbly legs and didn't know how to react. Evelyn circulated her energy, and shortly after, the trembling stopped. "Tsk, what a shame. I didn't want to heal and feel the pain all day. But I can't walk if I do so."

The rest of the girls wanted to bow down to this... "Warrior."

Evelyn saw their stunned faces and laughed. Then, she asked them, "So, how was it? Did you girls like it?"

Andrea smiled and said, "Loved it. Her gestures, her growls, the feeling of her genitals, everything was incredible."

Angel asked shyly, "Y-You were the first. How did Yasenia react?"

Andrea smiled softly. "Very cute. She was shy and eager at the same time. I really will remember this night for a long time. How about all of you?"

They looked at each other and began exchanging experiences.

They couldn't help but marvel at their dragoness's drive. Kali concluded. "Although her lust has grown, we have also become more formidable. All of us together are more than enough to satisfy her needs."

They all nodded. Angel then said. "Also, we have mommy Tatyana. Even at this level, I'm sure she can squeeze Yasenia dry only by herself..."

They couldn't help but nod. Cecile asked. "Speaking of them, where are they?"

After getting dressed in their cultivation robes in seconds, they looked around the rooms on the second floor. Andrea spotted Ebirah sleeping in one of the rooms they didn't use, but she decided not to wake her up yet.

They met at the stairs and shook their head. Evelyn commented, "They are not on the second floor."

Kali placed a hand on her mouth and chuckled. "Maybe, they were so eager that they did it in the living room."

Andrea nodded. "I wouldn't be surprised. Yasenia had been away from Tatyana for twenty years, after all."

They walked down the stairs to find them. Evelyn looked outside the window and saw a small white hill of fur curled and sleeping soundly. "I hope Sierra wasn't uncomfortable."

Cecile commented. "She is a wild wolf; I think she is accustomed to sleeping outside. Moreover, she can't enter the house."

Evelyn looked at Andrea and asked. "Andrea, can you build her a small hut?"

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