Chapter 393. The terrifying [Beast Physique Pill]. Unexpected situation.

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Author Note: Trigger warning(?): Intense chapter, cliffhanger at the end.


At first, there weren't any changes. They could only see Yasenia looking at her own body, not understanding what the pill was doing.

When they were about to ask, they saw Yasenia's facial expression change as she said hurriedly. "Mom, get Kaleina from me."

Tatyana flashed and instantly took Yasenia's neck armor together with Kaleina. The little purple dragon poked her head out of the pocket and looked around with pearly golden eyes. After seeing her mother's frowning face, Kaleina squeaked in worry. Tatyana patted her head with her finger. "Don't worry. She will be okay in the end."

The little dragon has almost doubled in length. However, this growth was not immense since she was initially tiny. Now, she was as long as an arm if she stretched her body.

They were confused until a sound that made their bodies get goosebumps began sounding.

*Cra-crack CRACK!*

The sound of bones cracking filled the room as Yasenia grunted in pain. The sound was intensely unpleasant.

Tatyana frowned for a second, and then she remembered something. "Little treasure, go outside. Angel, help me operate the formation to block sound and vibrations. Also, make it impossible to look inside from the outside. We can't let people know what is about to happen. If anybody breaks through the formations, send Sierra to intercept and kill them without mercy. The others, stay around Yasenia and don't relax your nerves. Stay in a battle-ready mood."

They didn't know what was happening but didn't even question Tatyana and got to work.

In an instant, everybody moved outside, and Angel's aura unfurled, engulfing the whole mansion and activating the formations.

Her long blonde hair waved with powerful energy emissions, and her blue eyes had zero of the usual innocence, looking sharp and attentive.

Countless green, yellow, and red lines spread throughout the mansion and shone briefly while Angel used her energy to activate everything.

From the outside, it was as if a white dome with yellow, green, and red runes appeared out of nowhere.

Of course, something like this caught the attention of many people walking in the surroundings, especially those on standby to observe them.

Yasenia was in the middle of the garden, her bones cracking, and if you looked closely, her skin was stretching and relaxing with countless spasms.

Cecile and the others felt their heart twitching with each painful-sounding sound.

Meanwhile, Tatyana floated upward, and she extended her hand.

An exquisite black Formation Pen with engravings of dragons and phoenixes appeared on her hand.

Tatyana's hand blurred, and green and black runes appeared around her, creating countless complex patterns.

Angel's jaw dropped, and her eyes widened.

Evelyn asked. "What is she doing?"

Angel stuttered. "She is creating a formation only Transcendence Realm cultivators should be able to create. It should be impossible to do so with her cultivation level. However, I can also feel that these formations will be very weakened because of the quality of energy Tatyana is limited to. However..."

Angel saw the hundreds of symbols appearing around Tatyana each second as the woman moved from side to side in an elegant dance and sucked in a deep breath. "To compare, I would need a week to create one of the hundred symbols Tatyana creates each second."

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