Chapter 394. Yasenia's Wild Energy Absorption. Ghana's Hesitation.

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The absorption speed increased constantly.

Angel efficiently used the complicated formations to supply the demand Yasenia's body needed. Tatyana then separated and expelled all energy that wasn't helpful to Yasenia.

Thanks to this, Yasenia was absorbing extremely pure energy, avoiding any impurities from forming inside her. Not to mention her [Yin and Yang Celestial Body] was working overdrive together with the [Celestial Pearl] and the [Primordial Energy Core].

What Angel and Tatyana didn't consider was that Yasenia's energy requirements could not be satisfied with the energy in a small area.

From the outside, people could see an invisible vortex of energy rushing madly toward the garden.

At first, people looked on curiously. However, they saw that this vortex was growing and growing, taking energy from further and further away.

After an hour since the runic dome appeared, the absorption radius was already two kilometers. However, this radius was growing exponentially.

After two hours, it reached ten kilometers.

After five hours, it reached a hundred kilometers.

By this time, the vortex's absorption influence covered most of Koran city. Yet, the size didn't stop and kept growing.

The leading powers in the City ignored it at first since anything that creates such an event couldn't be formed by simple people. However, their patience began thinning after they felt the living materials, like [Living Earth], begin to weaken.

As the powers of the Koran City became restless and began planning to take action, our girls were still tense inside their house.

During this whole time, Yasenia suffered from fast-paced maturing symptoms.

The pain she endured would be enough to drive many people crazy. She felt as if her body had broken apart and reformed many times already.

Even for her, this constant torture was taking a toll on her psyche, and she was currently lying flat on the ground, breathing weakly.

The ground around her had already been dug up and moved by her claws and initial struggles.

However, by the twenty-fourth hour, she couldn't even move a muscle as she tiredly endured the pain of her insides and skin churning and stretching.

The now giant dragon was lying weakly, surrounded by mauled earth and fallen scales. As Yasenia's body size grew, her scales were falling around her and regrowing at high speeds.

Seeing Yasenia so exhausted made our girls heartbroken.

They could only guess how much she was suffering, but to make their dragoness so weak, it couldn't be low.

Cecile's heart had been twisting as if a knife was digging and carving pieces of her flesh. Although she couldn't feel it clearly because Yasenia had blocked their connection to prevent Cecile from feeling everything, she could still sense Yasenia's general state.

After a whole day of enduring this uncomfortable feeling, she turned and asked Tatyana. "How about we stop it here, Tatyana? I don't mind her regaining human form. It's not worth it to make her suffer so much to get a human form. We can wait until she naturally matures."

Surprisingly, it was Yasenia who answered. A murmur that came directly from Yasenia's mouth reached them. After advancing to her current maturity level, she could use her own vocal cords to speak instead of spiritual communication.

The voice was different and similar to her human voice. It was mellow, pleasant, and slightly deep. A voice that could make the heart of those listening itch.

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