Chapter 318. One Week inside Lost Town and preparing to leave!

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The dragoness couldn't help but blink twice, completely stunned. 'Aren't they stronger than me? When did I become the weakest in the group?'

Andrea approached Yasenia and asked calmly, "So, what do you want to do with them?"

Yasenia looked at Andrea, holding the demon that could resist her blows quite decently with one arm, and her tail wagged. She leaned on Andrea's unarmored part, ignoring the heat, and said coquettishly, "Darling~, you are so powerful!"

Andrea didn't expect a wild dragoness to throw herself in her embrace, so she was first scared the high temperature around her would hurt her. However, then she remembered that Yasenia had the Sun attribute and relaxed.

She used her free hand to hug Yasenia's waist and laughed, "Impressed? How about a reward at night~."

Yasenia licked Andrea's neck and purred in her ear, ignoring the screaming demoness completely. "I will do whatever you want, darling~."

Cecile approached, waiting for Yasenia's instructions. Yasenia looked at the demoness and said, "Kill them all. They already came intending to antagonize me; killing them is of no consequence."

The twenty individual's eye's opened, not expecting this result. They were about to plead, but Andrea clenched her hand, Evelyn decapitated the man, and Angel rained lasers inside the glass dome.

In an instant, twenty people lost their lives.

The spectators who thought it would be an intense battle were stunned when it ended in less than a minute. They gathered the twenty spatial rings and looked over them. Evelyn smirked and said, "Look! This man has a high-level cultivation technique. It is at least Transcendent-level. It may even be in the next rank... Which rank is the next after Transcendent?"

They looked over curiously but saw that it was for darkness attribute cultivators. So they lost interest.

Andrea answered Evelyn's question, "I think it is the Supreme rank. I read it in a book I stealthily took from Master Irina."

Angel commented with sparkling eyes, "It sounds powerful! Supreme artifacts."

Yasenia and Andrea instantly caressed her head because she looked very cute. "Yes, my baby is right. It sounds super powerful."

"Of course, little Angel is going to be right. She is very cute, after all."

With the two tall women trapping her between them and pampering her, Angel's thoughts flew to another dimension and melted with a silly smile on her face.

Cecile said with palpable disdain. "The other rings don't have anything interesting. There are low-level Heaven-ranked treasures, but nothing we don't have. In all honesty, this can only be considered garbage; they didn't even have a single life-saving treasure."

The people listening in the surroundings spat blood. For them, a single low-level Heaven-ranked treasure was like hitting the jackpot. Evelyn asked, "What do you think they wanted?"

Yasenia answered, "I'm sure they wanted us to go outside the town."

They didn't understand. Angel looked up from Yasenia's embrace and asked, "Why do you think so, Yasenia?"

Yasenia kissed her forehead and said, "Well, look at it for yourself~."

Then, Angel felt her body weightless as she shot toward the sky. "Whoo~."

Yasenia laughed at Angel's shout. While she looked up, her tail coiled around her other dears one by one and also threw them upward.

Cecile didn't need that help and just flapped her silver wings to shoot into the sky.

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