Chapter 210. Devices become functional!

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After Sarah fainted in embarrassment, the system, Yasenia, and Angel were stupefied. Yasenia asked, bewildered, "Did she just faint in front of complete strangers because of embarrassment? Are her survival instincts those of a rock? If we wanted to do something bad to her, she would be in a really bad situation right now."

Angel looked at Yasenia with sparkling blue eyes, "You are that perfect, Yasenia! You made her heart have only you inside of it in the little time we have been here. Also, I like that term a lot; I will also call myself Yasexual!"

Yasenia's eyebrow twitched in annoyance. 'I hope this strange word doesn't spread....'

Our poor dragoness didn't know... That it would become a real word in the future, mainly spread by a certain group with a cute name that had a strange abbreviation.

Sarah woke up, and her nose twitched because she could smell that sweet fragrance surrounding her. 'What happened?'

[Host. You are being carried by the Dragon woman, another person seems to be approaching, and they are walking toward them while speaking. It appears that the dragoness has a harem herself.]

Sarah looked at Yasenia, who was carrying her, and blushed again. 'She is so beautiful... I'm not surprised she has a harem in a world without laws about it... Moreover...' Sarah felt around with her hands sneakily, and all she felt was very soft, silky, and pleasant to the touch. Sarah's body which was resting on Yasenia's, was in heaven feeling the person carrying her. However, she suddenly felt weightless and fell to the ground. "Ouch."

Yasenia had felt her awakening, and she wouldn't let herself be taken advantage of. She turned and looked at Sarah with a serious gaze. "Listen here, Sarah. I don't know if you are a spoiled princess from somewhere or if you have been spoiled rotten by your seniors, and you have become ignorant."

Yasenia said, crossing her arms under her bountiful chest, "We are inside a secret realm, an extremely dangerous place where death can greet you in every corner. A place where cultivators massacre each other to steal the treasures found here. And you are behaving like you are on a trip of some sort, unaware of your surroundings."

Yasenia continued, "You are honestly lucky I'm not someone that wants to take advantage of you. Else, you would be dead or worse. I don't mind you accompanying us, but you better not hold us back. Moreover, I will need some transparency when I ask you about some things. I understand that everyone has their secrets, but I will not tolerate you holding back information that may put me or the people I care about in danger."

Sarah looked at Yasenia's eyes which carried no emotions, and shuddered slightly. The pressure Yasenia's gaze could give when she was serious was no joke; for Sarah, it felt as if something was pressing on her head, making her want to lower it. Sarah nodded rapidly and said with a stutter, "I-I will listen to you, Yasenia. But please don't leave me behind. I-I'm alone, and I don't know where to go..."

Yasenia frowned, 'Why can't I feel that she is lying? Wasn't she talking with someone before? Or did she activate a skill to evade emotion-reading? I've heard about those skills, but they are honestly very rare. Am I overthinking something? Or did an important detail escape me?'

Yasenia didn't think about it much longer because she finally felt her other dear approaching. She saw approaching a veiled woman with a pair of big chestnut-colored fox ears and a long, fluffy green fox tail that seemed extremely well groomed.

This woman was tall at 173 cm and had a slim body with bigger than normal breasts and a round and supple butt. Her body figure approached perfection, and the aura around her made her extremely pleasant to look at, like a fox spirit walking in the mist. Moreover, the veil gave her this mysteriousness that tempted the viewer to uncover her secrets.

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