Chapter 361. The Dantian, the Body, the Soul. Tatyana's explanation.

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While Tatyana contoured Yasenia's facial features, she explained one of her most secret techniques. "The [Divine Lich Empress' Body Forging] technique is an ancient technique that uses the Heavens to its benefit. Not only is it powerful, complex, and demanding."

"However, if completed, your strength will be much higher than any common Transcendent Realm cultivator. Moreover, the advantages the cultivator gets don't end in just strength; comprehension about the fundamental laws will be easier to decipher, talent will be increased, the bloodline will be purified, the soul strengthened, and the soul will also evolve to mix with the Death energy. This will make the one who completes it extremely close to the Death Concept."

They couldn't help but gasp. Andrea commented. "That's heaven-defying. How can a technique be so powerful?"

Tatyana chuckled. "Well, it is literally heaven-defying because those aren't the only benefits. After completing it, the cultivator will gain a second body."

Yasenia opened her eyes and lifted her head from her lap to look at Tatyana. "A second body?"

Tatyana pushed Yasenia back onto her lap and scratched her where Yasenia liked the most. "Don't worry, little treasure. I'm still me. Let me explain in more detail."

Yasenia let her worries go and relaxed again on her lap, her throat letting out delighted growls. 'If it wasn't mom, how could she know where I like to be scratched so well? Oh... That place feels so nice~.'

The others could practically read Yasenia's mind as her tail wagged and her deep purring spread around. They wanted to participate in the pampering! However, they resisted the impulse with their steeled wills and allowed Tatyana to continue her explanation.

Yasenia's face amused Tatyana. "You are so cute, little treasure."


Tatyana smiled softly and continued explaining. "As you may have guessed, the technique's name is not an exaggeration, as I used it to forge another body."

The others paid attention. "You see, when entering the Transcendent Realm, a cultivator sheds their old body to create a new one completely made of Heaven and Earth's essence. The soul is the vessel, the World's energy is the materials, and the Tribulation Lightning is your hammer."

"However, with the [Divine Lich Empress Body Forging] technique, you don't discard the old body; you use it as a catalyst to cut yourself from Fate and gain independence. Something similar to what you recently did, little treasure. It also goes a step further to mix it in the process and allows you to create two bodies instead of one."

Angel asked, confused. "So, are you mommy Tatyana or not?"

Mirrory answered. "She is. The only difference is her body. I can guess that this body would have been much stronger if the heart was in your possession, right?"

Tatyana nodded. "As expected from a Senior! You truly know your things. As Mirrory said, if I was the one to trigger the heart with my main body, I would create a level-one Demigoddess self. It is slightly weaker than my main body, but it can be comparable to Jiang Ying Yue."

Tatyana looked at Yasenia and said. "To be honest, I'm impressed you managed to summon me as a Unification Realm expert, little treasure. You've improved much more than I ever anticipated. As always, it seems like you like to surpass expectations, hahaha."

Yasenia asked curiously, "Does your main body know about this one?"

Tatyana nodded, "Yes, I share the same soul through space with this body. Even if I'm far apart from it, it is not different from being here myself. The only downside is that the strength is very limited because, although I have more than one body, there is certainly a "main body." The body that has always stayed by your side is the one, little treasure. That body is also the one who gave birth to you."

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