Chapter 392. Astral Sky Clan and Dravory Clan. [Beast Physique Pill].

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Once at home, our girls gathered in the living room.

After they arrived home, Sierra and Ebirah exited the [Beast Pocket].

Andrea looked at Ebirah and felt her wonder in her via their connection. "How was residing in the [Beast Pocket]? Was it uncomfortable?"

Ebirah shook her head and said with interest. "It is like residing in another world~. Andrea, your soul is really comfy."

Andrea chuckled and patted her head. "How was it comfortable?"

Ebirah struggled to explain. "It was like... Hmm, like being in the middle of a volcano. However, the heat was comfortable, and I could even absorb your energy to nourish myself~. Moreover, I could feel your emotions and thoughts much clearer."

Ebirah placed her claws in front of her mouth and chuckled. "You only think about Yasenia and blacksmithing."

Thankfully, Andrea's skin was tanned, so the blush that crept up was hidden. However, Yasenia could feel her shyness. "So cute~."

Andrea coughed and changed the subject. "Sierra, how was your experience?"

Sierra was lying outside, and when she heard Andrea's question, she couldn't help but have a strange face. "I will say this. Evelyn, you should focus on things other than reminiscing about Yasenia's breasts."

They were silent for a second, then burst into laughter. This time, even the shameless Evelyn was ashamed. "I-I don't think about it that often..."

Sierra chuckled and said. "I know. I was joking."

Then, Sierra smiled gently and said. "The experience was comfortable. Being in her soul is like walking under a lightning storm. It makes me think about my home. I wouldn't mind staying there often since her energy nourishes me. By the way, why can her energy nourish us so much?"

Tatyana commented. "That's mainly because they are owners of Natural treasures that align with your elements."

Yasenia wondered. "Is this why beast-tamers usually focus on beasts with similar affinities to them?"

Tatyana nodded. "That's one of the many reasons. However, it is more complicated. Not that I will go into detail. None of you want to become beast tamers, so there is no haste to learn the knowledge. I'll buy books about it and lend them to all of you if I have the time."

Angel suddenly asked. "Yasenia, is our formal family clan name [Astral Sky Clan]?"

Yasenia looked at Angel and nodded. "Yes. After thinking about it, I came up with that name. We should use it from now on. Although the Dravory Clan also sounds lovely, I think this one represents us better. It also sounds more imposing."

"However, once the Astral Sky Clan becomes big enough, we can reserve the Dravory Clan name for our clan's core people. What do you girls think?"

They liked it and nodded with enthusiasm. They found both names rolling off their tongues quite smoothly. 'It feels like I finally gained Yasenia's surname~. So nice!'

Yasenia saw their smiles and also smiled.

Meanwhile, Tatyana looked at Yasenia and thought for a second. 'Dravory Clan, eh?'

Tatyana smiled heartily. 'It feels good to have a family clan name.'

They spoke for an hour, and Young Master Fu appeared in their conversation again. Andrea frowned and asked. "How should we deal with people like him in the future? We were lucky the Elder had at least some brain cells this time. However, we'll eventually find someone who is reckless."

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