Chapter 325. Heartbeat.

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At the plant's attacking him, Gerd reacted by covering his body with a bloody light, creating something similar to armor. However, when the carnivorous plants' serrated teeth pressed on it, the armor was torn into shreds and their teeth sunk into his body, making Gerd scream in pain. "AAARGH!"

Since protection didn't work, he released one of his strongest attacks at them, not caring about injuring himself. At this pace, the plants would kill him before he escaped their mauling.

His body released a black and red fire explosion, trying to incinerate those plants. The burst engulfed all the plants around him, covering them in a powerful fire.

Of course, not only he but also other allies attacked and tried to save him.

Meanwhile, the Green Dragon princess arrived beside Cecile and the others again, ignoring whatever was going on in that place. She asked one more time. "Where is she? I want to present myself to little Sister Yasenia."

Evelyn looked at the bountiful bosom of the dragoness and said, "Say, Tittyragon, *Cough.* Dragon, aren't you concerned about that man escaping? There are even demons helping him from the outside."

The Dragon Princess blinked repeatedly, 'What did she call me? She must have stuttered because of my beautiful and charming presence. Yes, that's it.'

As the Dragon Princess lied to herself, she answered lightly. "Since you are also her mate, I don't mind answering even if you are a human. What element are those filthy Demons using, flat girl?"

Evelyn gasped and said, "Impossible. I've met my match!"

Andrea slapped the back of her head while laughing, "Answer her, Evelyn. Don't be such a clown."

Evelyn answered with a salute, "Miss Dragon Princess, they are using fire against your mighty plants. May I remind the lady that plants are weak to fire?" Andrea and the others smirked and shook their heads. Evelyn's lightheartedness relaxed their previously anxious feelings, allowing them to calm down.

Yasenia's situation had them tense, but after Evelyn's conversation with the Dragon Princess, they could look around more calmly since people were losing time grouping up and looking their way.

The princess nodded and answered. "You are right. They are using fire against plants created by a Dragon."

Evelyn looked at the plants still sprouting from the ground and blinked, "Why does that matter? Are plants different depending on who they summon them?"

Valeria smiled and said, "The first dragon was a Fire breathing dragon. It wasn't that powerful. In fact, what made dragons so powerful was their adaptability and potential. Moreover, since most dragons come from a "Fire Dragon," no matter how far away from the original, all dragons have heat resistance. There are expectations, as in everything, but the general rule applies to this little girl."

The princess looked at the tall woman and saw her golden slit pupils. She asked, "Are you also a dragon? I can't sense any draconic blood from you."

Valeria shook her head, "I'm a spirit."

"Hoh~, you are a very knowledgeable spirit." Then, she turned toward Evelyn and said, "What your friend here said is true. My plants have resistance to heat."

Evelyn nodded, "So he should be dead by now."

The Dragon princess puffed her bountiful bosom, making it jiggle, and said proudly. "Of course! I was the one attacking, after all-"


They all turned, and Evelyn commented. "Well, he is pretty alive in my books. He is even cursing at you."

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