Chapter 287. Power increase across the Secret Realm.

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Author Note: So, I've been reading comments, and I can tell that many of you are against her taking the Trial. However, take it like this.

This is not only a chance to become stronger; it is a chance to gain what she lacks. Experience.

Yasenia is extremely young, and if she can remain many years inside, it will be a boost she won't be able to gain in any other way. Time is something hard to acquire extra off since it runs equality for everybody, unlike Treasures and other things.

For those that fear this event creating needless drama or misunderstandings, I hate those things, so don't worry. Unless it is according to the girls' personalities, things like that won't happen.

I also want to remind you of Tatyana's sentence. "What I care about is the heart, not the body."

On the other side, remember, the Trial is not real. It is similar to a lucid dream. So Yasenia is honestly being guided by the Old Man to believe that she will be cheating if she accepts the Trial. He is tricking her and testing her beliefs, the same way he did with Cecile. You've seen it in many instances during their conversation.

Finally, you won't actually read about it. The Next chapter will fast forward to the day Yasenia leaves the trial. However, I'm keeping to myself how much time she spends inside~. You will have to read the next chapter to learn about it!

So yeah, although I wanted to leave it to discussion, I saw many of you not getting the gist of it, and decided to clarify. That's all I had to say. Enjoy the chapter~. ( ' ∀ ')ノ~ ♡


Yasenia looked at him calmly and didn't deny it, "Yes, I am. I'm selfish and a hypocrite. Even if I need to release my lust, I could do it in other ways. Masturbation is always an option, and visiting a brothel in punctual moments when masturbation doesn't work anymore is also an option. There would be zero emotional attachment, and although I would have intercourse with others, it would mean much less since they are one-time interactions."

Yasenia sighed, "Still, I rather choose the happy group route. That way, I will be able to use all my cards and have my feelings diluted between them enough that I won't feel love for any of them besides some affection and closeness. My bottom line is betraying Mom's trust. She has suffered enough for even her daughter to betray her expectations."

The old man put his hands on his back and commented, "That is cruel for those women you will trap in your honey trap. They will be used like tools for your selfish wish of finishing this War as fast as possible."

Yasenia lifted an eyebrow, "But they are not real. We are inside a trial. Therefore, they won't know they are being used as I will remain by their side until I manage to win this War, and I will disappear once the Trial ends. Although I'm using them, they will never know. Moreover, winning the War should also be in their interests."

The old man looked at Yasenia with interest in his ancient eyes. "You are very strange. You know that it is clearly wrong, but you will do it anyway. Why don't you choose your first option? What stops you from making that decision?"

Yasenia smirked, "What better place to do that experiment than inside a Trial that will disappear after I complete it? With women that do not even exist? Once I leave here, I won't try it on real people. Even under the guise of testing, if I did something like this outside, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. Moreover, as I have repeatedly pointed out, this is a Trial, a place created with techniques I don't understand, but it certainly is a place that doesn't exist."

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