Chapter 395. Tatyana's methods. Kali's idea.

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Tatyana and the others saw from inside the dome as a wave of attacks that hid the sky for a second rained on them.

Small rocks, magma bolts, light beams, vines, and countless other attacks approached the formation quickly.

Of the one thousand people, two hundred and fifty prepared to run after the projectiles to attack the dome in close-quarters combat.

Ghana's face became ashen, but she didn't move because she could do nothing to stop it. Her eyes followed the trajectory of the attacks as she angrily thoughts inside her head. 'That stupid brain-muscles general. Why did I come here if not to take things slowly!? Did I give the attack signal!?'


Explosions filled the area around the house, covering the dome with the blasts occurring almost constantly.

Ghana and all the spectating powers looked closely, expecting the house to be in rubles.

Nevertheless, when the dust settled, the runic dome appeared completely intact before their eyes, as if nothing had landed on it.

The spectating powers felt their heart chilling. 'Who is their formation master? Can a formation set up in a week resist an attack like that?'

Yasenia was semi-conscious. Therefore, the loud explosion startled her.

Before the girls could tell her something, she forced her hurting body to stand up and asked in a hoarse voice. "What is happening? Are we being attacked?"

Hearing the cracking sounds of her body and the feeble voice as Yasenia forced herself to stand up made our girls anxious. Cecile hastily flew before the giant dragon's head and said. "Lay back down, my love. Don't worry, and leave it to us. You just have to focus on your transformation and not move. Otherwise, you will hurt yourself."

Yasenia frowned and was about to speak, but an electrifying pain weakened her legs, and her body slammed back down onto the ground quite loudly.


The sound of Yasenia's body falling was like a hammer to their hearts, making their body twitch in pain.

Yasenia closed her eyes and said. "I'll trust you... But be careful... We can always choose another city... Also... Try not to kill as much as possible..."

They all comforted her while a silent wrath burned in their hearts. The fact that Yasenia stood up because of the sound made them irrationally angry at everyone outside. 'How dare they make our dragoness stand up when she suffers so much because of it!?'

They looked outside, and the previous hesitation about killing disappeared amid their bloodlust.

Thankfully, they heard Yasenia's words, so they didn't act rashly.

Even then, they wanted to slaughter everyone on the outside and allow their dear dragoness to rest assured and have a peaceful environment for the transformation.

Ghana sighed in relief and was about to order the soldiers not to charge when Tatyana's soul-chilling voice spread in the zone. "I've told you, don't force us. I've warned you we can't stop the ritual. I promised you'll regret it if you challenged my bottom line."

Tatyana floated on top of the dome and looked down at all the people.

The moment the Death Empress appeared, it felt as if the temperature in the surroundings had dropped, and the place around them looked more dark and ominous.

Amidst this dark feeling, the red eyes overflowing with red light felt like the gaze of death itself.

Tatyana's lips arched in a sneer. "I can't use my original summons because they are too strong. How about I make some new ones."

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