Chapter 327. Junior Leaders of the Main Powers.

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After the Heaven-shaking roar, the dragon flapped its wings slowly, floating midair where the Black orb previously was. Her size wasn't very big, a little smaller than a common tiger. However, the aura around her made was extremely deep.

Each flap of her wings spread starlight to the surroundings, and the way it looked around somewhat cluelessly confirmed to the people that she was recently born.

The dragon's golden slit eyes scanned the thousands of cultivators, giving most of the people a feeling of pressure. Some became so cowered that they took a step back.

Those eyes stopped the cultivators that wanted to rush forward and make a contract. They felt unworthy from the bottom of their soul, as if making a contract with that majestic newborn creature was blasphemous to it.

Nevertheless, there were exceptions.

Before anyone moved, one of the leaders, who Andrea and the rest didn't know, appeared before the dragoness.

Cecile almost shot forward, but Andrea suddenly stopped her by grabbing one of her tails.

Cecile turned toward Andrea with piercing eyes, clearly asking for an explanation. Andrea communicated with them through their Spiritual Senses, "Don't go and protect her yet. The cultivators don't know that the dragon is Yasenia. If we rush forward, we will be revealing it."

Cecile got thoughtful. "How are you so sure?"

Andrea said, "If they knew, do you think that Gerd wouldn't be shouting to attack or things like that? Look at him. He is confused. If we go forward now, they will realize that the dragon is Yasenia. Although it is hard to recognize, it is easy to guess after connecting some obvious points. So we must be as inconspicuous as we can until the right moment."

Cecile nodded and semi-relaxed, her energy still circulating to release it at the precise moment.

Angel frowned and spoke, her voice unusually cold. "Can't we just push through? Whoever tries to stop us from saving Yasenia, we will just murder them until mountains of bodies accumulate, and they learn their lesson to not mess with us."

They blinked, surprised at Angel's sudden burst of murderous and bloody aura. The roots of her hair were becoming crimson red, and a flash of green mixed within her blue eyes.

Not to mention the current aura pressure she was releasing felt really suffocating.

However, while most of them became wide-eyed, Evelyn reacted fast and grabbed Angel's breast with her whole hand. Angel froze as Evelyn snorted, "Calm your tits, Saint Inheritor. We don't know the strength of the enemies in detail!"

Angel stupidly looked at Evelyn, not expecting her to literally and blatantly grab her breast in this situation. "W-What are you doing!?"

After getting a good feel, Evelyn released her breast and smiled. "Hmm~, big, soft, and bouncy. Good tits! Anyway, I'm telling you to relax; Yasenia isn't in trouble yet. We can always use our strength to punish them if they try something funny, but until then, it is best to be an observer."

Evelyn pointed at Yasenia's location with her chin and reprimanded Angel. "What is Tatyana's most repeated advice? Do not let your increase in strength get to your head, and keep a controlled mind in all situations. Look at how all the leaders gather around her. Do you think we can escape unscathed?"

Angel became timid after being reprimanded by Evelyn. She nodded and relaxed. "O-Okay, I will listen."

Evelyn smiled as she saw the roots of her hair transform back to blonde and her eyes return to the pretty and clear blue. She patted her head and complimented, "Good girl."

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