Chapter 339. Lu Hao's Fate.

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After Kali forced the black, purple, and red viscous-looking pill down his throat, the disgusting and rotting flavor it had made his stomach churn and puke. He didn't avoid the reflex as she felt the food rising and going out from where it entered. "Bleurgh! What the- Ugk."

Kali warned Yasenia, "My love, you can let him go. I don't want you to be close when the effects begin to show. It can be dangerous for you."

Yasenia looked at Kali and saw that she was calm even while this was going on, so she guessed that whatever she fed him wouldn't come out so easily. She listened to her dear fox and stopped holding him down with her claw. Then, she walked beside Kali.

Kali used her tail to pat Yasenia as the terror about to happen unfolded.

As Yasenia guessed, the thing Kali fed him didn't come out with his vomit. She could even see a small bulge on his throat.

Even though Lu Hao really wanted to spit out whatever Kali forcefully fed him, he couldn't. The reason? The instant the thing was about to be washed out by the vomit, the pill seemed to become alive and used strange tentacles to grab onto the throat walls and literally crawl inside.

The feeling of a foul, nasty thing forcefully crawling down his throat as he puked was disgustingly terrifying. He began coughing and gagging, trying to vomit it but unable to. "What did you *Gag.* make me swallow!?" *Cough! Cough!*

Kali looked at how his throat bulged as the pill went down, no matter how much he struggled, and a smile crept up her face. 'So it worked as intended. That's good. Whenever I find them, the other nine will also be unable to escape it.'

Kali saw the tear-faced Lu Hao cursing and trying everything in his power to spit it out, so she decided to explain to him. "I created this, especially for all of you. I made them even before I got to know Yasenia, my lover."

One of the other nine who were constricted in Kali's roots exclaimed, "No way, you are the Heavenly Dragoness's lover? Liar! Everyone knows that she had no Fox-kin lover!"

Kali laughed and caressed Yasenia's head. "Well, she is right here, so even if I can lie, she can't, right?"

After dropping that bomb that made them dizzy, Kali ignored them and continued explaining to Lu Hao. "At the time I created them, I was honestly on the verge of insanity. Therefore, you shouldn't be surprised when I say that all the materials that pill is made of come from the [Parasite Gnawing Forest]."

Yasenia and our girls instantly got a chill running up their spine. Evelyn exclaimed out of shock, "No way you entered that cursed place!"

The reason for their reaction is that not even Transcendent Realm cultivators dare approach that forest.

The creatures living there are all parasitic, and not even plants escape from having this trait. That forest has been there for an extremely long time, so every creature inside has evolved to become even more parasitic than the previous one.

The things that live there are so dangerous that if even one of the strongest ones were to land in a bad place with the appropriate condition, it could exterminate whole biomes by itself, spreading from host to host extremely quickly. Moreover, most parasites are not symbiotic, and they use their hosts only to propagate at the cost of the host.

The only reason those creatures can't leave that forest is that the seniors have built barriers around it to prevent the vermins from escaping. The entry of it wasn't prohibited, but if someone entered and managed to exist alive, they would have to be in check for months after exiting. Another thing to point out is that the creatures living there don't have intelligence.

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