Chapter 312. Kali's euphoria, Valeria's surprising proposal. (R-18)

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Kali let Yasenia carry her toward the bed and asked. "What way?"

Yasenia untangled their tails for easier movement and rested Kali's body sideways in her embrace. Then, as she lowered her upper robes, Yasenia tempted, "Drinking a little bit of that milk~."

Kali's eyes gravitated from Yasenia's face to her chest and her mouth salivated. The flavorsome memory of its taste was making her mouth drool.

Then, while sneaking two glances at Yasenia, she leaned her head in and trapped the nipple in her mouth. Yasenia looked at her tenderly and caressed her head softly. "I'm going to move my hand now, okay? Open your legs, honey."

Kali hugged Yasenia's waist and leaned on her arm, obeying her and also opening her legs. Yasenia's breast milk consistently was not watery but somewhat thick, with a rich taste and texture. Each time she gulped a mouthful, she felt as if the warmth of her lover spread throughout her entire body.

Then, she felt the hand sneaking inside her robes and approaching her precious place. When those long and elegant fingers touched her lower lips, her legs subconsciously opened, wanting to give easier access to her.

Yasenia saw her actions, with those beautiful verdant green eyes half-closed and her lips curved upwards. "Does it taste good~?"

Kali looked up at the dragoness's current gentle and pampering face, and her heart beat faster. She loved how considerate Yasenia could be when they were doing these things. She didn't want to stop drinking, so to answer Yasenia, she licked the sweet nipple inside her mouth.


A moan that made Kali's heart skip a beat left Yasenia's mouth. Moreover, she could feel something hard and powerful poking at her back, and the hand on her privates was molding her lower lips in ways she had never felt before. "Mmm~."

The way Yasenia touched her was extremely sensual, without penetrating with her fingers and only caressing the outer area. However, this only made the fox's body burn, making her two tails happily wag.

Yasenia continued in that position until she felt her fingers completely damp with Kali's fluids. She also felt Kali's ragged breathing and the strength of her sucking increasing. Yasenia's eyes thinned like a predator who had warmed up her prey enough. "Now, it's time for the real deal, honey."

Kali had been teased for five minutes straight, and she was already close to orgasm. Waves of pleasure rocked her body with the slightest of touches in her private area, and her face was flushed with excitement.

Yasenia took this to her advantage and undressed Kali's lower clothes. Kali felt the chilly wind hitting her moist area, making her a little more aware. However, the mouth and tongue of the dragoness attacked her, making her thoughts fly away one more time.

Kali loved this way of treating her. She felt like the world had disappeared each time they made love, and only the two of them remained. Yasenia also took off her lower garments, freeing her dragon, and laid Kali on the bed.

Not wanting to interrupt the natural flow of their session, Yasenia aimed her penis and pressed on Kali's vagina. She didn't penetrate and felt Kali's reaction.

Kali only felt pure excitement. She had wanted to have sex again since the first time Yasenia managed to pierce her, and now she was about to welcome that beautiful and tasty precum leaking rod with her lower mouth.

Yasenia felt the excitement and bit Kali's lips while lowering her voice, making it sound like a seductive growl. "I'm going in."

Kali shuddered with anticipation as she looked into the half-pink half-golden slit eyes. Then, Yasenia pushed forward.

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