Chapter 216. The demon's surprising move, Yasenia's decision.

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Yasenia sighed and said, "The woman is in trouble."

Sarah asked, "Aren't their numbers still similar? I don't see it being very bad."

Yasenia shook her head and said, "Watch the demon's next move."

The demon looked with boredom at that woman and said. "And here I thought I could ambush you when you relaxed, making everything more fun... Anyway, let's go with the boring route. How many of you want to desert to our side now?"

The spectators saw with wide eyes as almost 20 people from the woman's side changed sides instantly. Although their faces were full of guilt, their actions spoke louder than that. The woman looked with cold eyes as those people left her side.

Yasenia smirked disdainfully, "See? My mother has taught me a lot about human nature, and this is something that occurs quite often. Worse, it doesn't end here."

Losing twenty people meant that the numbers were fifty against 120, but they could still retreat safely with these numbers. However, to the woman's dismay, some people in the back of her group turned and fled, using their movement techniques and reducing the number of fifty to barely thirty.

It was like a chain reaction and the fifty extra demons appearing was the trigger. One thing led to the other, and soon, even those extremely loyal to that woman began getting more and more nervous. With the demon side gaining the advantage by the second, the people saw that they didn't have a chance, and fear of death invaded their bodies.

Yasenia looked emotionlessly at that situation. "What is honor before certain death? What is righteousness before a threat to your life? How much is a person willing to sacrifice for a noble cause? How many would sacrifice their lives for a something that doesn't have a reward and a high risk of killing you?"

Tatyana had always taught Yasenia one thing. Yasenia said, "Before death, the true nature of someone rears its head. It is not a bad thing. It is just a thing that doesn't help when trying to push your nobles ideals. It is the will to survive. The will to remain alive."

Yasenia patted Angel and said, "Many people rather become someone's puppet than die standing on their two feet. Humans are courageous until the risk of real death appears before them clearly. If the option where submitting is not horrible, most people will choose it over the risky and better path."

Yasenia said, "Prepare yourselves; when the combat starts, we will use it as a distraction and approach the gates. I will go through the Heaven gate. All of you choose wisely before entering."

Sarah asked timidly, "A-Aren't we doing the same? Using the woman as bait for us to enter the town safely?"

Yasenia looked at Sarah and said, her tone even. "Yes, we are doing the same. I'm not a hero or anything like that, Sarah. I will take the path that involves the least danger for the three of you."

Sarah didn't say anything more.

Angel didn't mind all that, so she said, "I will also go through the Heaven gate! Although they are doorless, I can't see through them. What if we appear in different places? I don't want to separate from you, Yasenia."

Kali nodded and said, "I think the same. Separating from you just after reuniting. I wouldn't like something like that to happen."

Sarah didn't want to be left behind, so she also said, "I will also go through it."

Yasenia smiled and said. "Then, prepare yourselves. I can guess that there must be a challenge of some sort to go through that door." Her golden eyes looked into theirs as she said the next sentence seriously. "If you take it lightly, you will die. So don't hold back."

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