Chapter 292. Yasenia's New Domains. Evelyn's suspicions.

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Yasenia sighed in relief. "Finally, some advancement in my cultivation technique. To complete the [Connection with the Celestial Bodies] realm, I will have to be at least in the Unification realm. I can't do much more about it for now. What skills this I unlock this time?"

Yasenia looked into herself and absorbed the knowledge she unlocked after advancing the cultivation technique.

Since they were about learning to control the elements in the surrounding, her three new skills were all domain-class skills.

Although [Moonless Night] has served her enough until now, Yasenia began seeing its limits.

The amount of slow it dealt to her enemies was between five to ten percent, depending on the opponent's strength in comparison to her own. It was not bad at all, and in a battle against someone with similar power, it could mean the difference between life and death. However, the domain skills she has seen through her years were so much better than [Moonless Night] that it could only compare when the special effect activated on the nights without a Moon.

For those that don't remember, the Domain's extra effect was absorbing the energy of those who were inside of it. A very powerful ability, however, as explained before, this effect could only be activated once a month, whenever there was a moonless night.

Yasenia had never managed to activate it meaningfully with the extra effect. The condition was honestly very infrequent. Of course, this didn't take the strength of the skill whenever she triggered [Day and Night cycle], where all her abilities would be dealing their additional effects.

In short, it was a nice domain but nothing too crazy. The Domains she just unlocked were much stronger.

The first Domain was [Scorched Sun Domain].

When Yasenia activated this Domain, it constantly created sun-fire pillars below those that Yasenia considered hostile. If they hit, these pillars were as strong as receiving a full-strength [Sunset]. Moreover, it also increased the strength of Yasenia's Sun attributed skills more than twofold.

If Yasenia had this skill activated and used [Noon], the results would be impressive, to say the least.

The second Domain was [Freezing Moon Domain].

After it spread in the surroundings, it would create silver snow in a large area around Yasenia. This Domain was much wider and larger than the other two. Those snowflakes exploded in contact. The explosion wasn't big; it was a small, melon-sized silver explosion.

However, the chilling Moon attribute was very damaging and could freeze body parts, making their attacks slower and more cumbersome. Moreover, there were so many snowflakes inside the Domain that the damage wasn't any less than [Scorched Sun Domain].

Like the previous Domain, it only activated when they touched something that Yasenia considered hostile, and it also increased the strength of all Moon-attributed skills.

The third and final domain was [Star night Domain].

This Domain was different from the other two. It wasn't an attack domain but a defensive one. When Yasenia activated this domain, her surroundings would darken, and countless floating stars would appear in the surroundings. These stars would move at high speeds and block any incoming projectiles.

However, that wasn't all. Yasenia's star-attributed skills needed [Starry Sky] to generate stars and become stronger. After activating this domain, the [Starry Sky] skill would become much faster in forming stars, and Yasenia would also be able to use the Domain's floating stars in her skills. The Domain's stars were weaker than the ones created by [Starry sky], but there were many more, compensating in numbers.

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