Chapter 319. Situation outside the Lost Town.

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Our girls walked slowly down the street, slowly going toward the exit. Behind them, Sierra walked slowly; her enormous size was bigger than most buildings at eight meters tall and almost twenty meters in length. The snowy white fur and the blue rune on her forehead that meant "Queen" were even more prominent. However, the aura of a level-four beast was what made most heads turn.

In truth, although Yasenia and the others' appearance would catch most people's eye, Sierra's presence was like a flag, telling everybody where they were.

Evelyn looked at Sierra and jokingly complained, "Sierra, if you keep growing, I will have trouble finding places for you inside towns and cities!"

Sierra snorted playfully, "Such a terrible master. She takes me in but doesn't even try to find me accommodation. Should I change owners?"

Evelyn said, speechless, "You are taking our language and terms very fast. Is it that easy to learn?"

Sierra looked at Evelyn gently and lowered her nose to nuzzle with Evelyn. "It is because you are a great teacher, Evelyn. Thank you for your efforts."

Evelyn smiled widely and hugged her nose, "Don't worry! I really like teaching you."

Sierra softly threw Evelyn up, making her land on top of her head. "Let me carry you. After all, there could be a battle as soon as we leave the town."

Evelyn took out her spear and smirked, "If there is a battle, let's cause havoc together, Sierra!"

Yellow lightning crackled through Sierra's fur, looking extremely imposing and affirming Evelyn's words.

The others also took out their weapons and armor. With each step, they equipped one thing after another. Their common clothes slowly changed to a full gear of Heaven-ranked armor or dresses.

The people looking at them opened their eyes wider with each second until they were fully geared.

Angel was wearing a holy white dress, her hair loose, and a big shield on her right arm that covered half her body. Her long blonde hair and aura made her look like a pure and angelic valkyrie. Her dress's waving together with the soft steps made it appear like Angel was walking on the clouds, harmonious and elegant.

Evelyn was dressed in purple-black garments, her silver-blue spear sparking as lightning went from the base to the tip in erratic paths. Her arrogant smirk spokes volumes of her self-confidence, and since she was mounting the giant Sierra, she was extremely imposing.

Andrea had a full silver armor that didn't cover her head, showing her long curly hair and heroic and beautiful face. She carried a heavy-looking red and black halberd in her hand. At her side, Ebirah walked slowly. Andrea was clearly walking in a protective manner near her. She was like a tall knight, ready to war against hordes of enemies and protect those she held dear.

Kali had her green and golden dress floating gently, a wooden sword on her waist, and her two big fox tails swaying softly with the wind. With her veil covering her face, she looked mysterious and gentle, similar to a nature spirit.

Cecile, on the other hand, was like a one-thousand-year glacier. Her expression was devoid of emotion, and her ceremonial Phoenix dress flowed with the wind. The crystal blue bow on her hand reflected the light, and her platinum-silver long hair, pair of big wings, and three phoenix tails made the air around her freeze.

At the helm, Yasenia walked confidently in her revealing clothes. Her expression was calm and slanted on her back; the giant [Draconic Heart] made her figure attractive yet imposing. Her long tail swayed from side to side, making "S" shapes at the rhythm of her sashaying waist.

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