Chapter 333. Gerd's concerns. Yasenia's Coldness.

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After Jaxon's order, Gerd and his group were moving silently across the forest. A total of twenty demons, seventeen humans, and three beast humans made his group. Besides Gerd himself, there were another five Unification Realm experts, two male demons, one female demon, one human male, and one human female.

It was a group strong enough to walk across the whole secret realm without encountering problems. Only other teams of similar strength, those made by leaders of various races, could match up to them.

However, they currently had a strange face as Gerd was quite injured. The reason? Jaxon had beaten him quite badly after the event. He had received hits because he misinformed him about Yasenia's death; if Jaxon had known that the black orb was Yasenia's egg, he would have attacked it with everything he had and interrupted her birth.

Since this was a thing that went against the Natural Order, the Heavens wouldn't have interrupted any attack made this way, so Jaxon was confident in interrupting it.

However, he didn't know that Angel had created many layers of protection as time passed. Yasenia's dears would have retaliated if a battle had begun, and it was unknown if they could have interrupted the events and changed the outcome.

Moreover, the rage of having his shield, his best weapon, stolen by Yasenia made him even angrier. With nowhere to vent, that rage led him to hurt Gerd quite badly.

The result was the current him, who looked lost. His purple eyes looked forward with a lost expression.

After Yasenia's power-up, he could only dream of killing her. As twisted in the head as he was, he was not a stupid person. The strength that Yasenia displayed was terrific. Even if that strength was boosted by something, having entered the Unification Realm, she couldn't be weak.

The whole time, he had been eager to start a battle without fearing consequences because of this. Nevertheless, Jaxon's authority was many levels above his, so he couldn't really attack the beast group on his own. Yasenia's escaping maneuver was like the nail in the coffin, killing all hopes he had of finishing off Yasenia.

The human woman spoke, "Cheer up, Gerd. I'm sure we will be able to find Yasenia soon. If we do, all our allies aren't that far. As long as we can hold them off, numbers will end up getting Yasenia killed. Moreover, her recent strength increase may increase her ego."

Gerd sighed, "Mo Lian, that's not..." He shut up and stopped running. "That's not possible." That is what he wanted to say, but he kept it to himself. He said aloud, "Maybe, who knows."

Mo Lian approached and hugged his arm, speaking coquettishly to cheer him up, "How about we do something later? Chava should also join!"

Chava was one a female demoness at the side. She was actually from the gorefiend race, the sister of the one that entered the town. Her vertical mouth opened and said, "Sure, I don't care about having a good time with Gerd to cheer him up. However, we have to think of a way to avenge my sister."

Gerd looked at them and smiled slightly. These two were his lovers, and he had quite a lot of fondness for them. However, he knew that If he didn't manage to complete the mission of killing Yasenia, who knows what would happen to him and his sister?

The main reason he was able to gain so many resources was his commitment to killing Yasenia. If he did that, he would win quite a lot of influence and also be able to climb up the social ladder, making his and his sister's situation ideal. But Gerd had also placed all the eggs in one basket, so not achieving this goal only spelled disaster.

When Lucia's current situation entered his mind, his face twisted grimly. "Maybe... I shouldn't have sided with that faction of your race, Chava. Who knows what horrors Lucia will go through after I return unsuccessfully."

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