Chapter 335. Lucia's fate? Demon Hunting.

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Cecile suddenly remembered something. "Yasenia, can't your ring hold complex life now that you are in the Unification Realm?"

Yasenia got thoughtful and looked at the fainted Gerd, "That's true. But I think that he is too strong for that. Moreover, what if he can move inside the ring? He could destroy items in it."

Angel said, "Can't you control the ring? You should be able to restrain him."

Yasenia shook her head. "I don't want to risk losing all we have in my ring."

Andrea said something that she knew would get rejected. "How about you try it with us? You know, storing us in your ring and trying to control us."

Yasenia frowned, "No. What if something goes wrong? Isn't Mirrory also like a spatial treasure? She could surely hold Gerd inside her."

Mirrory snorted, "I don't want to."

Yasenia sighed, "Then, we can only carry him around."

Kali asked, "Why not kill him? He isn't that important, right?"

Yasenia looked at Kali and laughed, "To be honest, you are right. However, I want to use him as bait to lure bigger fish. Nevertheless, the cons overweight the pros. He could have a technique to escape, something we can't stop."

Yasenia sighed and said, "Let's move and kill him. I think we've made him suffer enough. To be honest, normally, I would just kill my enemies, but he is basically the root of many of our troubles. I wanted to make him suffer."

Yasenia approached and lowered her head to bit his neck and carry him around. However, when she was about to bite Gerd's neck, Andrea grabbed him and placed him over her shoulder. "Let me carry him. Also, don't blame yourself for Lucia's situation. We could try to rescue her in the future if we can."

Yasenia shook her head calmly, "Don't worry about it. We don't even know about the situation outside the Secret Realm. If things are bad, many besides her could be suffering a worse fate. We will do what we can, but always within our capabilities."

Yasenia commented, "Moreover, maybe big brother Oliver will ask Dr. Ava to do something about it. Although she is very strict, she becomes very scary and overprotective when someone targets Big brother. Not to mention Richard, his father. His strength is extremely high. In my mom's words, he is second to her strength-wise."

Andrea nodded, "Then, we probably shouldn't worry as long as Oliver still has Lucia in his heart."

Angel asked, "What if he doesn't?"

Yasenia stated lightly. "Then, Lucia is out of luck. Only time will tell what happens."

Yasenia looked at the half-dead man and asked Kali. "How much time do you think he can last if we continue to use him as before, Kali?"

Kali thought about it and answered, "With my healing, about an hour more. Although his regeneration is very high, there seems to be some sort of fuel for it. Without my help... About ten minutes. The things you are doing are quite brutal, Yasenia."

Yasenia nodded, "Let's play with him for a while and then move on. I can also take the chance to teach you more painful torture methods until he dies."

Nobody found anything wrong with her words and proceeded to brutalize Gerd and use him as a testing subject for one and a half hours. His dantian was damaged before he woke up, so he couldn't use any technique properly and could only scream in agony for the rest of his short life.

A while later, someone found his body, or what was left of it.

His skin was flayed in most places, his fingers and toes were no more, his privates were missing, and his face was unrecognizable. Not to mention that his internal organs were scattered around him, seemingly in order. It was clear that they had been slowly and meticulously taken out of his body.

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