Chapter 234. Relieving her stress. (R-18)

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'It is too powerful!'

However, Yasenia wasn't still as that thought crossed her mind. Her body reacted before her own mind, rushing behind the Monolith at her max speed. Not only that, as she moved, she activated all her buffing skills. She even activated [Day and Night] to multiply her strength exponentially!

Her aura created an enormous shockwave that pushed people back as if it was a water wave, and her body got covered by the [Celestial Dress], empowered by her [Dragon Strength], and the [Moon Assimilation] kicked in.

As soon as she reached behind the Monolith, Yasenia stabbed her sword on the ground without holding back and roared. "[FULL MOON]."

Angel, at first, was curious about the strength of the laser that had been charging for a while but didn't consider the width of the laser after shooting from the cannon. The laser was so strong that it widened to an almost ten-meter wide laser when it discharged toward the Monolith!

Angel instantly turned pale, and her heart dropped; if that laser hit a town inhabitant, it would sentence instant death not only for them but for Angel too! The worst thing was that Angel couldn't do anything to dissipate the attack. 'I'm going to die!'

When Angel's heart dropped at the bottom of the abyss, a powerful aura wave washed everything as a bright silver dome appeared behind the Monolith. The dome was like the Moonlight appearing on a cloudy night, illuminating the surroundings with her protective embrace.

The powerful laser beam smashed onto the Monolith, but most of it spilled from the sides, rushing toward Yasenia's defense.

As the people were still being pushed by Yasenia's aura explosion, the laser and the [Full Moon] collided.


The laser was so powerful that the silver dome bent inwardly, cracking badly. Yasenia felt like an asteroid smashed [Full Moon]. The impact was so bad that she coughed up blood. However, Yasenia didn't stop pouring her energy and the energy she absorbed with [Moon Assimilation] into the silver dome. Yasenia roared with all her might as she fought against the powerful attack! "ROAR!"

With the mighty and deep roar, Yasenia poured energy crazily toward [Full Moon], stopping the spreading cracks and deflecting the powerful beam toward the sky. She wouldn't let this attack even scratch a person unless it killed her!

The powerful beam lasted just five seconds, but it felt extremely long for Yasenia. There was more than one time when she thought that [Full Moon] couldn't hold on. Still, when the enormous pressure on the shield disappeared, Yasenia dropped to her knees, breathing roughly. She couldn't help but curse as she dissipated all her skills. 'Fuck, that was close.' Her aura wave had injured some mortal people as they tumbled on the ground because of it, but it wasn't anything serious.

Angel was so scared that her legs had lost strength, and her face was completely drained of blood. Kali had moved not long after Yasenia. Her objective was to protect Angel in case someone decided to take advantage of the situation. Yasenia stood up and hastily moved beside Angel, "Are you okay? Do you feel bad in any place?"

Angel instantly rushed into Yasenia's arms and hugged her strongly. She didn't cry, but she was close to; that was the closest Angel had ever been to dying, so the relief of still being alive made tears accumulate in her eyes. She thanked Yasenia as she hugged her with all her strength as if she wanted to assimilate herself inside the dragoness. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

Yasenia consoled Angel kissing and coaxing her. She looked to the side and saw the hard-to-miss giant bloody number. The number 5 000 was floating there imposingly, letting everyone know the absolute barbaric strength of that attack. Everyone was speechless looking at it, and even Yasenia had her mouth slightly opened. 'Thank the heavens I activated [Day and Night], or I wouldn't have been able to withstand it. I even have some internal organs hurt because of the impact between [Full Moon] and the laser.'

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