Chapter 349. The Portal Opens!

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Yasenia and the others were currently walking around in the desert area. They'd already visited all the other regions, so they decided to have a look around on their last day. Yasenia suddenly remembered and asked Angel. "By the way, where are your sister and the others?"

Angel blinked and said. "They are in the desert area too."

Yasenia was surprised. "How so?"

Angel smiled, "I've been telling big sis in which area we are so that we can get together as soon as you tell us."

Yasenia caressed her head with a smile. "Good job, my love. Since you have everything prepared, call them. We will rest for the last hours until the time to go comes."

They moved to an oasis they spotted nearby and lay under the shade of one of the biggest trees. Yasenia made one spin and lay on the ground, leaving a spot between her limbs. Then, she used her tail to grab Angel and place her there. The others sat around them, and Sierra also lay, surrounding them in the middle of her giant twelve-meter-long body. She was like a small white furry hill.

Andrea sighed in comfort and looked at Sierra. "How do you feel, Sierra? Is the temperature in the desert too high for you?"

Sierra shook her head. "It isn't. I've realized that I'm very resistant to different temperatures."

Evelyn leaned on Sierra and was instantly surrounded by her cool fur. "Sigh, your body is so refreshing and comfortable, Sierra. It feels like landing on a very soft and cool mattress."

Sierra laughed gently. "Well, I'm happy you like it, Evelyn. Are we waiting for those people we didn't meet with after the face-off?"

Evelyn nodded. "Yes, they should be here soon. One of them is our close friend, the other is Angel's sister, and I don't know if they are with someone we know."

Sierra nodded and let the wind of the desert blow her fur.

The atmosphere was relaxing and peaceful. After so many days of constant hunting, this moment felt extremely satisfying. Angel lay on top of Yasenia and closed her eyes without falling asleep.

There were some creatures in the area, but none of them approached them. Although they were sitting there relaxed, the aura coming from their group was enough to scare most creatures in the Secret Realm.

Yasenia and the others didn't talk and just enjoyed each other's presence. Kali, Cecile, and Andrea took the chance to groom Yasenia. They caressed her scales, tail, wings, and horns softly.

Our dragoness half-closed her eyes and growled in comfort, letting the time go by.

After one hour of relaxing waiting, they heard people approaching. Yasenia lifted her head from Cecile's lap and looked around. Then, she freed her tail from Kali's arms and used it to poke the half-asleep Angel. "Baby, wake up. Someone is approaching."

Angel whined for a second but soon sat up. However, the pout on her lips was enough to let the World know that she was angry from being bothered by that comfortable position! Yasenia moved her head and licked her cheek. "Once we confirm that they are your sister and the others, you can lay on top of me again."

Angel nodded, and her pout was replaced with a smile. "Okay!"

They all laughed softly and looked at the approaching people.

Thankfully, there weren't any twists or turns, and the nine people that approached were people they knew.

Lidia, Linda, Laurina, and the other four beast leaders appeared in the distance and approached quickly. Moreover, besides those two, there were two more: a red dragon-man and a Blue-feathered Harpy.

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