Chapter 366. Separating from Jorey. New house! We are wealthy?

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Jorey thought about Kali's words profoundly and felt that they were right. 'Humans are a high-intelligence species. Although most of them are used as property, they are not stupid enough to treat all of this as natural. Most of them, even when reared since they are a child, are resistant to being in such a lowly position.'

She gave it more thought as she saw Andrea, Angel, Tatyana, and Evelyn obediently standing behind Kali without any restraints around them. 'If we increase their comfort levels to become worthwhile living, compared with other slave trade companies, humans will basically flock to us. Then, if we increase our policies to give them basic rights, we can control them and make them submit much easier.'

Her eyes focused on Andrea. 'Look how obedient the beautiful and tall human is even after reaching such a terrifying strength. She even has more loyalty for her owner than those of her race pleading for salvation. '

Jorey was an intelligent merchant, so she also saw the risks. 'Of course, buyers would not be happy not to be able to do whatever they want with our slaves, but in the long run, it can create a healthier business method to sell them. We could create a new term, [Luxury Slaves].'

Jorey smiled cunningly, feeling the potential profits and movement this could create. Then, she thought. 'Between humans, some will try to rebel even then, but any intelligent species would do so if given a chance. We just have to keep a tighter leash by not allowing them to cultivate and check their personal strength from time to time.'

With those thoughts in mind, Jorey could see the profits and also the potential dangers.

It won't give tangible benefits for maybe a decade or two. Still, after building up their reputation, they could price their slaves much higher because of their health, obedience, and other characteristics, which would not be even comparable to other slaves in the market.

Jorey wanted to confirm some things, so she asked Kali with curiosity. "How strong are you?"

To be able to control someone like Andrea, her own strength should also not be inadequate.

Cecile and Kali smiled but didn't answer. The implications were obvious.

Even then, Yasenia more or less could guess Jorey's thoughts with a simple deduction of their conversation trajectory and the looks she was giving Andrea and the others. She trotted in front of Jorey with a raised chin, as if a super proud child, and said. "Master is super strong~. Not even all the humans combined can beat master!"

Jorey's eyes flashed with understanding. 'Of course, the reason she can control them is not just the good living conditions. A suitable strength is also required. I should create a cultivation method that allows slaves to gain strength, but not enough to become out of control.'

Kali, Cecile, and Jorey, with Yasenia's timely interventions, spoke for almost half an hour more. With new revolutionary ideas, Jorey felt she had gained a lot. Therefore, she gave Kali a card. "Here, miss. This card will give you a twenty percent discount on any merchandise sold by our [Mountain Travelers] merchant group. Also, we are going to start an auction in the near future together with another merchant group, so feel free to participate. I'll send you the details later when you contact me again."

Kali's eyes flashed with understanding. 'It is like saying: "I can give you more benefits, but only if you contact us again." She is not stupid.'

Kali smiled and said. "We'll contact you as soon as we manage to settle in the Koran City. We have to get used to everything here, after all."

Jorey nodded and raised her hand, grabbing the air. The gesture was very abrupt, so Kali was confused. Andrea sent her a transmission after Ebirah communicated with her. 'That's the same as bowing in our continent. Just copy her gesture.'

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