Chapter 289. Two Weeks, Twenty Years.

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While they were all looking dazed at her, the calm woman smirked, emitting such mature charm that left people dazed. Just a smile and most people present had their hearts pounding faster than usual.

Those golden slit eyes, that seductive long tail, her voluptuous body proportions, everything highlighted the aura around her. This aura gave not only unparalleled natural allure but also maturity and experience it previously didn't have. Her mellow and slightly low voice came next, "It seems that I finally won. Luan Qiuqiu was right about their plan. She was such a clever girl. Her training gave lovely results~."

Then, a flash of sadness appeared in her golden slit eyes, "I will somewhat miss them... However, everything I've learned will live forever inside of me. Moreover, no matter how much I like them, my dears are waiting for me. They are and will be the most important."

After waking up from their daze, many people present looked at Yasenia and tried to feel her strength.

However, when their senses tried to sense her spiritual aura, it felt like it sunk into a powerful, dense, and deep pool, sending a chill up their spines.

Even though they could tell that her current level was that of a level-nine, almost half-step, Mental Nourishing realm cultivator, the feeling she gave was horrifying. There were two general thoughts.

'Who is this monster in human skin!?'

'How did this monster improve so much?!'

The charming mature woman, Yasenia, felt her heart's excitement growing the more she thought about Angel, Andrea, Cecile, Evelyn, Tatyana, and Kali. 'I really missed them. I want to find them as soon as possible, but first, I need to digest my gains. Moreover, I have to advance the [Convergence of the Celestial Bodies] technique that I've been stuck on for a while.'

Yasenia got thoughtful, 'Since I've already gained insight. The only thing left is breaking the barriers. I also have to see if all the things I learned during these years carry to my real self.'

However, there was something that had changed inside Yasenia. The number of years she lived on the illusion took a toll on her, making her forget some things. It wasn't that she would forget with the powerful mind that she had, but she had lived in that illusion for a long time, making the memories of the time before blurry.

Therefore, when she looked around and spotted Han Xue, she frowned. 'Hmm? Who is she? Her face looks extremely familiar....'

Meanwhile, Long Baidi and Tang Xian hid in the crowd and looked closely at Yasenia. They didn't know why she suddenly appeared there, but it was something good for them. 'Anyway, it is good that she is here. We will be able to get rid of her. Moreover, with the Mayoress on our side, she will only be in deeper trouble... eh?'

Their eyes widened when Han Xue approached Yasenia with a smile, giving off a clear, familiar vibe. Everyone was about to speak about it when she suddenly heard Yasenia ask. "Do I know you?"

Han Xue's steps froze as her eyes widened, "Do you not remember me?"

Yasenia looked at her closely, and then, it came to her. Her face eased as a smile spread on her lips, "You are the Mayoress of the town, Han Xue. I'm sorry for momentarily forgetting about you. My memories are somewhat blurry."

This time, it was Han Xue's time to be confused. She asked, "Why are you outside, Yasenia? Only two weeks have gone by! Did you really manage to pass the Trial? Or was the other girl the winner?"

This time, her words were like a rock being thrown into a calm lake.

"Huh? What do you mean!?"

"She entered the Trial before us!?"

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