Chapter 353. Andrea's surprise and Distancia Continent.

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The middle-aged man looked at Andrea, Angel, and Evelyn and said. "Them. I want to buy those slaves. They look exotic, even between humans, so I hoped to gain them from you."

They all became confused. However, Andrea, Evelyn, and Yasenias soon caught up to what was happening. 'Since we didn't say anything about them being slaves, it seems this world's state is the opposite of the Sky Continent. Beast humans are the dominant race, and humans are discriminated against.'

While Yasenia and the others thought about it, an unexpected individual from the group jumped in indignation and answered back. "How dare you take my friend as merchandise! Andrea is someone I care about, so even though humans are normally bad people, she is not!"

They blinked, surprised, and looked at Ebirah standing before Andrea, her pincers clacking loudly. A smile appeared on their lips, finding her cute and brave. Andrea approached Ebirah from behind and caressed her shell. 'Don't worry, little one. Whatever he says won't offend us.'

Of course, Ebirah was not too big, standing at one and a half meters tall, counting the shell, slightly smaller than Angel. Therefore, the wolfkin decided to ignore the young-looking crustacean.

However, when his eyes caught the material Ebirah was using as a shell, his eyes instantly widened. He blurted without thinking. "Huh!? What kind of mineral do you have as a shell!? The quality is something I've never seen in my life!"

Ebirah's lobster face didn't change much, but it somehow could express how smug she was feeling. "Hohoho, now you understand this princess's strength!? It is..." Ebirah looked at Andrea, asking for permission to say it. Andrea saw how eager she was to brag, so what else could she do but nod?

Giving the go-ahead, Ebirah said grandiosely. "Hear loud and clear, little merchant. My shell is a Low-level Transcendence ranked [Violet Volcanic Meteorite]!"

It was one of the multiple materials they found where the Heaven-born flame was hiding. Its high energy emissions, coupled with the heat and pressure it released, were enough to create Transcendent-ranked materials.

As expected, the man almost fainted when he heard it. Then, he shouted, full of rage. "The legendary Transcendent Rank!? What are you doing using such a precious material as a shell!?"

Ebirah got scared and almost jumped at his scream. She turned toward Andrea with a face that shouted, "He bullied me!"

Andrea instantly frowned and said coldly. "She can use it, eat it, or throw it away as she likes. If you dare to raise your voice like that again, I'll cut your head off so that you can't scare her anymore. Am I clear?"

The wolf-kin looked at Andrea angrily, feeling that she was letting a specially precious thing go to waste. Ebirah's black eyes sparkled, feeling protected by Andrea. Therefore, full of courage again, she snorted and said. "Humph, that's right! Do you know who I am? I'm the most beautiful princess, and Andrea is my strongestest best friend. So if you dare bully me, I will tell her to cut your head off! I warn you. She is very good at that. I've seen her do it a lot~."

The others held their laughter, thinking that Ebirah looked really cute. Andrea's tense face also relaxed, and a small chuckle left her mouth while she used her hand to caress her shell softly.

"What can a human do? Also, who do you think you are, someone with a Mythical level bloodline?" He snorted and said.

Ebirah froze and exclaimed. "How did you know!?"

Andrea rolled her eyes. "He didn't, but now he knows."

Ebirah was confused, but when she saw the paralyzed wolfkin, she placed her claws in front of her mouth. "Oops."

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