Chapter 370. Future plans. Talking about Ebirah's situation.

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The dim and mellow light the World at dusk gave shone on the four creatures by the window. They were all silent, and there was even a soft breeze that moved Sierra's fur.

The scene was so calming and pleasant that they didn't want to disturb them. However, it also gave them the feeling of home, a heartwarming feeling that calmed their souls, so they didn't want to leave.

It made them dazed enough to make them stop at the door and lean to the side, continuing to look at them without making any sound.

Even then, the ones basking in dusk's light didn't take long to realize they were back.

Before they could say anything, Tatyana and Cecile spotted them. With a smile, Tatyana softly asked. "What are you girls standing there for? Come here and sit around."

The four of them blinked twice, coming back to themselves.

Realizing that they had been standing there for almost a minute, mesmerized by the picture, made them feel a little embarrassed. However, Tatyana's soft and calming tone pushed them to move and approach.

With an awkward chuckle, they walked toward them and sat on their sides. Once they sat, they softly began caressing the dragoness.

Yasenia observed their faces, and a smirk formed on her face. However, she didn't say anything and closed her eyes again, allowing them to caress her as they wanted.

They all felt even their souls relax as the sound of Yasenia's slow breathing and the breeze rustling the trees reached their ears.

Nobody spoke for ten minutes, just enjoying each other company.

After a while, they heard her mellow voice asking peacefully. "How did it go, dears? Did you create or refine something?"

Andrea took out an orange-colored, low-level Earth-ranked metal and a purple thirty-centimeters-long, low-level Heaven-ranked herb. She sat beside Tatyana, allowing her to place the items in front of Yasenia's resting head.

Yasenia observed the two items, a plant with smooth, circular leaves and glossy metal in a streamlined shape, and was surprised. Even then, her voice was calm, not disturbing their peaceful moment. "The feeling around them is extraordinary. If they didn't have the particular aura the materials give, I would've mistaken them for items above their rank."

Andrea chuckled softly. "Yes, it is truly extraordinary. Moreover, this kilogram of metal was created after fusing ten kilograms of different Magic-ranked metals. So, it isn't even a naturally formed Earth Ranked material."

Kali pointed at the purple herb and said. "This herb is not a combination. Using the Transmutation principles, I managed to enhance the properties of the [Devil Blossom] Herb. It has changed from being a peak-level Earth-rank item to a low-level Heaven-ranked item."

Cecile was surprised. "Then... Isn't that cauldron an unmatched treasure? We can create everything we could before, but now it is just better."

Yasenia was thoughtful. "There must be a drawback of some sort, right?"

Angel was the one who answered. "You are right and wrong. It is true that although we can create better things, the time we use for refining and transmuting all the materials is much longer. Moreover, it can also fail, destroying the materials used in the process. Since we are novices with its uses yet, all we managed to do this afternoon was create those two items."

Yasenia nodded. "What are the good things about it?"

Angel continued. "Well, once we created the item, recreating it becomes much easier. As long as we know enough about it, we'll be able to enhance them easier. Furthermore, the cauldron has memory. So it can recreate the process as long as you will it. So we'll eventually be able to allow it to have it in the background doing something."

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