Chapter 398. "I'm back, dears." [End of Volume Seven]

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During the last twenty minutes, they saw Yasenia's body growing at much faster speeds.

The speed was so fast that her scales couldn't keep up with her growth and began falling off to give way to new, bigger, and more lustrous ones.

Moreover, her horns also fell once, and new and more charming horns grew extremely fast.

Even when their aesthetics were not trained to differentiate the beauty of a beast, one had to be blind to realize that Yasenia gave a much more alluring aura than before.

The curves of her body had softened, her body had become less bulky and more streamlined, her facial features had gained a more charming feel, and her eyes were human-like, expressive, and able to tell stories with just a single look.

The golden parts gave a dim sheen. The characteristic glow of her starry blue scales was also more accentuated without being too eye-catching.

Not to mention, Yasenia's height was nearing twenty meters—similar to a seven-story building.

Considering the charming long tail, her length reached almost eighty meters. In modern terms, it was longer than a commercial airplane.

The wingspan wasn't any less than her length, making her extraordinarily imposing and beautiful.

When they looked at the now giant Moon and Sun in her wings, they couldn't help but sigh in amazement. 'Such a beautiful creature. Just looking at her is enough to spend an entire afternoon.'

Tatyana looked at those scales and four-meter-long horns on the ground and said. "Andrea, keep them safe. You will be able to create a semi-transcendent level scale armor and weapons with them if you use them now. Of course, if you break through your Blacksmithing skills, your chance to create your first Transcendence level item will be right around the corner."

Andrea and the others were stunned.

Tatyana looked at them and smirked. "We are quite fortunate. Yasenia's scales and horns are probably the best material to create robes, weapons, and armor in the Distancia Continent. With many of them, creating a dress for each of us is not impossible."

The girls were at first ecstatic. However, they soon frowned and looked at Yasenia. Andrea asked, "Do you not mind, my love? I won't do so if you feel uncomfortable having your body parts turned into items."

Yasenia couldn't speak or communicate spiritually because of her exhaustion, but she still gave a reassuring gaze. Her eyes seemed to tell Andrea she could take them at will and use them as she pleased.

They felt a little touched. They knew that Yasenia pampered them, but they could only feel warm and fuzzy inside each time she did so.

How could Yasenia not agree to allow them to use her body parts to create powerful items for themselves?

If doing so wouldn't upset her dears, Yasenia would even self-mutilate to give them her body parts.

Of course, she would never do so because this was crossing an invisible line she should never cross, and she knew it deep inside.

The girls helped gather the small mountain of scales and two large horns. Evelyn commented. "I'm still too new to tailoring to use these scales efficiently. I feel that if I use them now, it will be like using gold to make shit, so keep them with you for the moment, Andrea."

Andrea wanted to say something, but Evelyn snorted and said. "However, you better not use them all. I also want to use the gift our dragoness gave us. After powdering and changing them into silk, I want to create some robes with them."

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