Chapter 309. Curiosity about Yasenia's harem. Cecile's innate skills.

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After Yasenia confessed her harem's size, they didn't know what to think. The number was so ridiculous that they didn't feel anything about it.

Even with twenty years, with such a big harem, it would be impossible to create actual bonds with any of those girls.

Their faces turned strange, thinking that Yasenia's "strength" might have been far stronger than they thought. To maintain five-hundred-and-fifty-six women "satiated," Yasenia's prowess would have to be nothing more than a goddess in that aspect.

'Did we not satisfy her enough? Has she been holding back for us?' Their faces turned for the worse as they looked at Yasenia, feeling guilty for their dearest dragoness.

However, when Yasenia saw their expression, her guilt increased, thinking that they were feeling bad in the heart. She said with an apologetic tone, "I'm sorry... I-I wanted to know my limits, so I gathered under my wing every woman I found pleasing to the eye and had a decent personality."

Cecile looked at Yasenia's guilty expression and found it unbearably cute. If Yasenia had animal ears, they would have probably been plastered on her head because of the guilt. 'Thankfully, she doesn't have any, or my heart would not last.'

Cecile kissed Yasenia's cheek and asked curiously, "How was managing such a big Harem?"

Yasenia blinked and looked at Cecile. She used their connection and only felt amusement and understanding. Yasenia asked cautiously, "A-Are you not mad?"

Andrea answered, letting out an amused chuckle, "That number is so absurd that I actually feel nothing."

Evelyn continued Cecile's question line, "I'm also curious about the Harem managing; how did it go?"

Yasenia observed all of them, and to her surprise, she saw only curious eyes looking at her. She felt as if the weather brightened, as if those curious eyes warmed her heart and body. The heart of the dragoness beat loudly, becoming somewhat bashful.

Her previously numb feelings were not only returning but becoming much stronger than before. After experiencing so many things, the dragoness understood how precious it was the relationship she had with them. This led the more mature Yasenia to want to give her everything to them and everything else they wanted. Even if they asked for the Moon or the Stars, Yasenia wouldn't mind becoming strong enough to fulfill their dreams.

'Ah... This is how I felt. This is what it felt like to love. This is how I became so crazy for them.' The only thing Yasenia felt missing was the person she loved the most. That person that, even after all these years, had never left her mind. Even when Yasenia began losing a bit of herself inside the Trial, her feelings for this person never diminished, and right at this moment, she really wanted for her to be beside them.

The five of them saw in real-time as the somewhat distant presence Yasenia gave melted slowly, her golden-slit eyes regaining that previous lovely look they showed whenever she looked at them. They all felt their heart becoming hot as Yasenia's tempting red lips raised in a smile and moved to utter one sentence. "I love you."

A simple and direct sentence that made their cheeks feel hot. They didn't understand why asking about her harem made Yasenia change so much, but they knew from the bottom of their heart that the lovely dragoness they all knew was slowly returning.

Yasenia leaned back on the couch, and her idle tail circled around the five of them. They were close enough that her long tail could wrap around them once. Yasenia then began speaking about her harem a bit, not in detail. "Well, it was not easy managing so many women. They all wanted a piece of me, so I set prizes. Depending on the contribution in battles, they would receive more or less from me. I mainly focused on the War efforts; therefore, besides some filtring here and there, I didn't interact with them a whole lot."

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