Chapter 208. Pasta is straight until it gets wet.

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Author Note: I've been reading the comments, and I see some doubts and similar. Don't be shy to pour out your worries in the comment section about the new character, I will answer what I can!


What waited for her outside was something that made all her brain functions stop except the ones that let her eyes roam around the seductive woman with a long dragon tail attached behind her and golden slit eyes.

The woman before her had facial features that incarnated seduction. Her slightly plum lips and charming almond dragon eyes stole hearts with a single look. The corners of her eyes were somewhat raised, and the golden-red irises and slit pupils charmed the soul of any mortal away once they peered into them.

Her skin was flawless and radiated a seductive aura. Just one look and one would be able to feel how supple, soft, and silky it would feel caressing it with their hand. The woman was sure that her hand would slightly sink as if it was jelly, making her eager to extend her arm to touch her.

When the woman's eyes went down, what greeted her was a body that made heat rise in her core. The large, jiggly, and soft-looking perfect breasts, accompanied by the revealing battle attire and the slim waist, were too much for our recently transported girl to take. The breasts looked soft enough to seem as if they were resting in the attire, giving off a mature seductiveness but perky enough to know that they would stand proud after they got free from their bindings, creating a mouthwatering landscape.

Moreover, the wide hips that looked perfect for being held and bearing children, short frontal miniskirt which almost showed the treasure land below it, and long and plump legs that invited the person to hug them complimented the voluptuous upper body in a figure that could arouse carnal feelings even in the purest of monks.

Seeing Yasenia so close started a fire inside the woman that sent almost any other thoughts she had away.

Meanwhile, Yasenia stood there, looking at the pretty but not overly beautiful woman that appeared and now was blushing so hard and looking at her so blatantly that left her slightly speechless. 'She is having the same reaction as mortals looking at me for the first time.'

Yasenia observed that the woman was short for her, at least 160cm tall, between Evelyn's and Angel's height. Her facial features were those that gave that "next-door-girl" feeling, approachable and cute. However, Yasenia was having a hard time discerning these features because of the current aroused face the woman was making in front of her. Yasenia almost laughed aloud, 'It has been quite a while since someone froze like this at my beauty~. I vented my rage by destroying those two beasts... But maybe I can play with this woman a bit to relax myself?'

Yasenia began walking toward the woman with her typical sashaying steps and swishing her tail, amplifying the charm she exuded when she just stood still. It was at this time that the beautiful triple-sectioned tail entered the woman's eyes. Seeing the extremely long tail woke her sluggish brain up enough to form some thoughts and hear something trying to call her back from her daze, 'W-what? A tail in a human!?'

Yasenia saw amusedly how the woman's eyes locked on her swishing tail like she saw something alien. Yasenia thought curiously, 'Is this the first time she sees a beast-human? Maybe she is a spoiled Noble girl that hasn't come out yet? She seems incredibly naive~.'

Yasenia found her guess quite accurate so she wanted to tease this noble girl even more. Yasenia spoke to her again, purposely making her voice more sensual, "Did the dragon eat your tongue~? Or are you scared of me~? If you keep looking at me so passionately... I may eat you up~."

The woman's face almost turned maroon with Yasenia teasing, and she began fidgeting. When they were five meters apart, the woman managed to get back to her senses thanks to the constant ringing noises inside her head.

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