Chapter 360. Tatyana hears about Yasenia's Twenty Years.

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Yasenia began explaining what she experienced after she entered the Secret Realm. How she got so angry that she awakened [Dragon Strength], how she met with Sarah, and how strange she was. Yasenia said, "Her common sense was strange. Although she was strong with a quintuple attributed constitution and also a high-level Mental Nourishing Realm, she was very ignorant of everything. She also was very out of touch with death and killing. Each time we got into a fight, she was very scared."

Tatyana listened, and the more she heard, the more thoughtful she became. Kali chuckled and said, "I also found her strange because she felt like a two-month-old living being. Of course, I bet it was my misunderstanding or that she was special."

Yasenia smirked. "Well, she may have been reborn like me. Don't I also feel like a two-month-old?"

Kali nodded. "You sure do. That's why I haven't thought much about it since then."

Tatyana blinked when she heard that, and then her eyes widened for a second. However, she hid her expression quickly enough for no one to realize her thoughts. "Truly an interesting person. How about you tell me more about her?"

Yasenia nodded. "Well, I have to continue explaining my experiences."

Then, she proceeded to explain how she would talk with somebody, her thoughts about her being possessed by a senior, how she sometimes stopped mid-sentence as if that senior interrupted whatever she was saying, and the strange event while crossing the Heaven Gate.

Tatyana could already guess what Yasenia had encountered. 'So she really is an otherworlder. Moreover, she probably has a system or the soul of a powerful senior inside her.'

Tatyana frowned. 'A system... People with that thing are really annoying to kill. So many tricks, treasures, and luck that I rather not fight them.'

Tatyana praised Yasenia. "Good job maintaining distance with her as you also got closer. If we meet her again in the future, you should tell me instantly who she is."

Yasenia blinked and looked at Tatyana's serious face. "Is something wrong with her?"

Tatyana scratched her snout softly. "Silly girl, if she has a powerful senior inside, wouldn't it be difficult if she can let it out to injure you?"

Yasenia sighed. "Well, I think I was quite harsh to her when I returned from my Trial, so I don't know if she still has a good opinion of me. I was rather numb then, and I didn't want to lose my time with other things that weren't meeting my dears, so I was quite an asshole."

Tatyana tilted her head. "Numb? Was that Trial hard?"

As soon as Tatyana asked, Yasenia was apprehensive. If nervousness could create stomachache for her, she would've probably had to go to the toilet first.

'Time has finally come. I don't have a guilty conscience, but I'm afraid that what I did has crossed mom's limits. Nevertheless, I have to tell her without sugarcoating.'

As Yasenia thought about it, she felt a pair of arms surrounding her head as a soft power moved her dragon body into the woman's embrace. The feeling of being cradled this way was truly nostalgic, making her remember how Tatyana held her almost forty years ago when she was nervous. This feeling made her eyes tear up as she looked at Tatyana's gentle and smiling face. "Tell me, little treasure. I love you so much. What are you afraid of telling me?"

Yasenia confessed, "It is because you love me so much that I'm afraid of telling you."

Tatyana got thoughtful and looked toward the outside of the cave. Then, while she was still looking away, Tatyana asked softly. "Yasenia... Did you fall in love with someone?"

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