Chapter 272. Mysterious Black Orb.

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A pair of red fox ears appeared before her, which snapped her out of her thoughts.

Yasenia looked down and saw Kali looking up at her with worried eyes. Her veil was only at nose level, so she could clearly see her verdant green eyes. "Is everything okay? You are giving quite a strong aura."

Yasenia looked at the other people and saw that, besides Angel, who was also looking worriedly at her, Han Xue and the others were sweating with nervousness. 'Oops, I scared them.'

Yasenia smiled and said, "It's nothing. I was just thinking about some unrelated matters. Anyway, we are allowed to participate in this Trial, right?"

The Mayor nodded, regaining his bearing. "Yes. Even though we can't announce it yet, we will be able to let in those that learn about it. Han Xue telling you is also okay since she has that much authority. We aren't the Mayor and Mayoress just by name, after all."

Angel asked curiously, "You gain authority in the town?"

The Mayoress walked to her side and answered, "Yes, our family guards this town's order."

Yasenia asked curiously, "What if a corrupt leader appears?"

Han Xue calmly smiled as she said, "Then, the Divine lightning would destroy their whole family and choose another family to fill in the empty spot. It has happened in the past more than once. The written history of our town goes more than 10,000 years in the past, so mortals are bound to commit those mistakes. Our family has only been in power for two thousand years."

After a small conversation about the town's history, Han Xue guided Yasenia's group toward the Trial area. "Han Luan, Han Xiao, wait for us in the dining room. Remember that only the heads of the family are allowed in that area."

They both pouted but nodded nonetheless. After bidding a short goodbye to our girls, they probably left to speak to their other sisters and brothers.

Yasenia, Angel, and Kali followed behind Han Xue. they traversed the big mansion and left through the back door. There was another garden here. A building that gave an ancient aura stood in the middle of this garden. It was extremely similar to a mausoleum. The color was grey, and the material was similar to common stone. However, it was clear that it was much more than that.

Yasenia lifted her eyebrow, "We have to enter there?"

Han Xue laughed and said, "I also don't know why it looks like that. It is like we are going inside a tomb or something. However, you will see that there is more than meets the eyes when we enter inside."

Yasenia nodded and followed after Han Xue. The guards in the doors let them pass, and Han Xue placed something circular-shaped in a slot. Then, Han Xue spun it to the right. After Han Xue retrieved the item, the doors slid downward, opening a path for them.

A chilly wind left the door and blew their hair softly. The ancient aura got much stronger, giving them chills.

Angel and Kali subconsciously hugged Yasenia's sides when the chilly wind and aura came out and brushed their bodies.

Yasenia also frowned.

Although it seemed creepy, she couldn't feel any danger. However, she understood that her instincts could fail her, so she asked seriously, "Are you sure this place is safe?"

Han Xue looked curiously at them, and after seeing their guarded faces, she laughed aloud. "I didn't know you were scared of these things. You look very cute~. However, don't worry. If you don't believe me, we can go back and wait until we announce it to the public. Although you will lose the privilege of entering two weeks earlier, at least you will gain reassurance that this isn't something shady."

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