Chapter 350. Spatial Tunnel's difficulties. Another World?

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After the Green portal appeared in front of them, Yasenia frowned and asked, "Was the portal's color like this? I don't remember it that way."

They all shook their heads. Cecile said with caution. "It is probably like Jaxon told us. The Demon race outside has done something to the portal."

Yasenia sighed, "I was hoping for it to be a lie, but it seems that it wasn't just a scary comment."

Angel proposed. "How about we don't cross it?"

Yasenia shook her head. "If we do so, we'll be trapped here for who knows how much time. Right now, we have to grow stronger, and we've already exhausted most opportunities to do so in the Secret Realm. We need to gain things outside."

Yasenia then said. "Moreover, I want to meet with Mom as soon as possible. I'm willing to take the risk and face whatever the Demons had prepared for us."

They looked at Yasenia's resolved expression and nodded. They knew that no matter the challenges ahead, Yasenia was going to charge forward.

Yasenia saw that they didn't contradict her, so a smile appeared on her face. "Hug Sierra closely. We don't want to leave her behind."

Evelyn and the others crouched with Yasenia and also hugged Sierra by grabbing her fur.

Then, Yasenia said aloud. "Let's go. It's better if we don't delay."

Our dragoness was still being held hostage by the five of them, so she could only order and not walk herself. Sierra obeyed and began walking toward the enormous semi-circular green portal.

Sierra approached the portal, and when she was about to touch it, the portal acted like a mouth and surrounded them.

Yasenia used her spiritual sense and saw that Laurina and the others were walking right behind them, so they were also being surrounded by the portal. Yasenia said aloud. "Maintain your heads calm. Whatever they've prepared, we'll overcome it!"

Then, the rift opened completely and swallowed them.

The green portal shrunk, and soon, it disappeared, leaving nothing behind.

At last, Yasenia and the others left the Secret Realm!

Meanwhile, inside the portal, it was a strange situation. The first time, they felt as if they were traveling at extremely high speeds with a protective bubble around them.

However, that wasn't the case anymore. Yasenia and the others felt the spatial tear and strain on their bodies. It was as if a force was trying to pull them apart from each other and send them who knew where.

Their expression changed, and their cultivation burst out, increasing the control in the space around them. Yasenia was about to say something as the warped surroundings flashed by, but her spiritual sense caught Laurina and the others suddenly being pulled away in different directions. It was so fast that she couldn't even react.

Yasenia's expression changed, "Don't let anyone go! If you really want not to separate, don't hold anything back!"

As soon as Yasenia told them, their eyes became serious and released everything within.

The spatial tunnel they were traveling trembled as their aura shook the place. However, Cecile and the others still felt their grip on Yasenia slowly slipping.

Yasenia looked around, but she couldn't guess when this would end! Therefore, she didn't know what to do for a second.

However, when she felt that Ebirah's legs were about to slip away from Andrea's body, her brain flashed with realization.

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