Chapter 297. Difficult Options.

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Fu Jing Jing couldn't help but bite her lip in frustration. The timing of Yasenia's appearance was truly unfortunate. 'Sending this irregularity to me, are the Heavens going against me? What do I do to calm this wild dragon? She isn't even listening to reason!'

Suddenly, Fu Jing Jing felt her whole body, or soul body, being constricted by an unbearable pressure. 'Ugh, she can control what's inside of this sphere?'

Yasenia said, "Senior, you have five seconds to open the coffin and let me speak with Angel. I know the thinking speed of someone at your level, so that should be more than enough. Otherwise, I will explode your soul so that you never reincarnate again."

Fu Jing Jing's eyes widened, "You wouldn't dare! Do you know the punishment for destroying the soul of a Saint!? You and every generation after yours will be plagued with bad karma!"

'Karma this, karma that, can't these seniors speak about anything else?!'

Yasenia's silver eyes shone with a bloody light as she roared. "I don't believe in karma! I only know that it will be worth it as long as Angel remains safe!"

"If I must face hordes of cultivators, I will build a mountain of corpses!"

"If I have to face against Gods, I will become a God Slayer!"

"If I have to face the Heavens, I will Pierce a hole through them and slay them as well!"

"In this world, there is nothing I dare not do to protect my loved ones!"


The sky flickered with terrifying lightning as Fu Jing Jing's eyes widened.

She had seen countless peerless geniuses that proclaimed the same, but none of them were able to make the Heavens react instantly and so violently.

It was as if the Heavens were looking at Yasenia at that moment, ready to strike her down when the possibility arose.

The only reason the Heavens couldn't touch Yasenia was because of Fu Jing Jing's actions in the past. Ironically, because of Fu Jing Jing's efforts in the past to make the Heavens completely fair again, now they were unable to strike down the threat that was growing steadily right under their noses.

The heavens were unable to deliver their judgment since it wouldn't be fair! Yasenia hadn't gone against the Heavens in any way or form, so even if they rained lightning, it wouldn't be able to deliver lightning strong enough to injure Yasenia.

The only chance the Heavens had to fight Yasenia was when she broke through. And even then, they could only release lightning on an acceptable level.

Fu Jing Jing realized at that moment that her actions not only placed an invisible shield on all the cultivators, including those that wanted to challenge the Heavens themselves, but also a restrictive lock in their capacity to take action!

Unless Yasenia did something that broke the natural laws, the Heavens were powerless against the dragoness!

Fu Jing Jing had two options in front of her.

Her first option was to kill Angel out of anger toward the challenging junior and then die by the dragoness's hand.

Maybe she would be able to defend herself when the [Truth Mirror] stopped bonding with Angel, but Fu Jing Jing knew that the probability of facing off against Yasenia and surviving was very low.

Her other option was to accept Yasenia's demands and hope for Angel to have recovered enough to make Yasenia listen. If they could talk it off, Yasenia would be able to help protect the Ritual until it was done.

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