Chapter 226. Challenging the Monolith!

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"Bastards! How dare you kill our senior brother!"

"Do you think that you own this place!?"


Angel, Kali, and Sarah were surprised and tried to react to their attacks. They turned around and tried to summon their defensive methods. Still, before they could do anything, a golden light shone above them, carrying a scorching heat and tremendous strength.

Yasenia had already perceived their killing intent and was waiting for them to move. The moment they moved to attack them, Yasenia had already turned and was looking at them with indifferent eyes. She took a step forward toward the approaching attacker, her hand resembling the shape of a claw. Then, she swept it toward the group of cultivators. Her hand seemed to slash through a viscous liquid instead of air because of the strength as she chanted. "[Sun Dragon Claw]."

A ten-meter life-like golden Dragon claw manifested above Yasenia's head. It followed Yasenia's movement as it descended on the five attackers with tyrannical strength. The heat it released made the attackers sweat even before it reached them, filling their faces with despair. The air ripped apart and burned, and the claw finally slammed the five of them. The five cultivators with cultivations between the seventh and ninth levels didn't even have a chance to resist as the claw exploded in front of them.


 golden fire explosion consumed everything before Yasenia, turning those five into ashes. The attack left fifty meters of scorched pavement before Yasenia. Yasenia said, reminding Kali and Angel, "Here, we can't act as brazen as we do in the Sky Continent, my loves. People aren't afraid of attacking us in retaliation. The only reason we could act without thinking a lot about the consequences was that mom always covered us."

Angel and Kali were a little surprised because of the attack. However, after hearing Yasenia's words, they looked at Yasenia, filled with guilt. Angel said, "Sorry, I shouldn't have killed him..."

Yasenia smiled tenderly and gathered both of them in her soft embrace. They sank into Yasenia's body comfortably as her mellow voice caressed their hearing sense. "Remember, baby, honey. When you deal with someone, you must take into account who is behind them. The only reason I acted rampant outside the secret realm is that I know Mom will deal with the things I'm not able to."

Kali and Angel snuggled closer to Yasenia and sniffed her scent. "We will be careful."

Yasenia kissed the top of their heads with a soft kiss and released them. Then, she ruffled their hair lovingly. "I know you will, you both are clever girls."

Sarah was still in shock. Thankfully, the attack didn't leave evidence of the bodies of the cultivators, so it was easier to take than the brutal deaths she had seen before. Yasenia looked at her and patted her head once, "Let's go."

Yasenia looked at the cultivators' resentful looks and said, her voice spread around and carried [Dragon Strength]. "I know it sucks, but this benefit is something I gained challenging the Heaven Gate and putting my life on the line. I don't mind betting my life again to gain the rewards I'm entitled to receive. If you think you are strong enough to stop me, I'm willing to fight with you in a spar, and not a life and death battle."

Yasenia's pupils thinned, and she spread her aura, exploding like a dragon roar!


As the phantom dragon behind her appeared, Yasenia challenged everyone present. "Let's see who dares stop me!"

Her aura together with the [Dragon Strength] suppressing nature made most of the cultivators present break in a cold sweat. Although they were disgruntled, no one wanted to lose their lives to benefit others. The previous person stepped in the way because he didn't know Yasenia's strength. After they saw Yasenia's strength, they just shut up and accepted that people from the Heaven Gate were above themselves. Thankfully, there weren't many Heaven Gate cultivators.

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