Chapter 302. Finding Kali, Valeria's change.

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Even if the others were moving toward Yasenia, they would need some days of travel to reach her. The secret realm was honestly gigantic, to the point that even though millions had entered, you could only spot groups of five, ten, or twenty from time to time.

Believing that Kali wouldn't wander too far off, Yasenia and Angel didn't search for her outside the forest. They decided to circle the area, using the communication devices as a radar to find her.

While Yasenia and Angel walked around the forest, Angel got curious and began asking some questions. "Yasenia, I have some questions..."

Yasenia looked at Angel, and seeing her serious little face, she stopped running and looked at her. "What's wrong, Angel?"

Angel's face became strange, and she asked a little awkwardly, "W-Why did you stop calling me baby?"

Yasenia was instantly stumped, 'Right, why did I stop?'

Yasenia sighed and smiled, caressing Angel's head softly. "I don't know. It has been so long that... Sigh. Sorry, you are my precious little girl. How could I not be calling you baby, right?"

Angel blinked and said, "But it has only been two weeks. You are acting really strange. Are you okay, Yasenia? Do you want to rest?"

Yasenia felt the dissonance from those twenty years hitting her harshly, 'Two weeks... It has only been two weeks.'

Yasenia hugged Angel closer to her and surrounded her with her arms and long tail. Angel basically disappeared into Yasenia's embrace. Angel was surprised and hugged her back. She could feel clear distress from their newly acquired connection. Angel patted Yasenia's back and said, "There, there. Everything is okay."

Yasenia felt her heart squeezing and kissed Angel's head, "Yes. Now that you are here, everything is okay. I will tell you about it when we all reunite, okay, baby?"

Angel smiled at Yasenia's natural way of calling her and nodded, rubbing against those soft mounds. "Okay. It feels really good to know how you feel through the connection!"

Yasenia chuckled softly and separated slightly to look at Angel's face, "Does it? Are you happy about it?"

Angel's smile bloomed like a beautiful flower, and she nodded happily, "En! I really like it!"

Yasenia kissed her softly. "You are like a healing medicine, baby. I love you, I really do. With all my heart."

Our baby blushed and dove right inside those mounds again, sniffing Yasenia's relaxing floral scent.

After having some more cuddles together, Angel didn't insist anymore on Yasenia's strangeness and spoke about what happened to her after she left the town. Yasenia listened attentively, trying to guess where Kali would go after helping Angel to enter the Trial. Yasenai concluded, "She must have gone to search for wild flora. She seemed very interested in collecting plants along the way."

Angel exclaimed, "Smart! Should we find her tracks around the Ritual area?"

Yasenia shook her head, "The battle between Saintess Fu Jing Jing and me must have destroyed any tracks in the surroundings. I would be able to find her scent trail if I remember it... But it is really fuzzy in my memories. However, I'm sure that if I get a whiff, I will perfectly remember about it."

One whole day went by as they searched for Kali.

In the afternoon of that same day, Yasenia's communication device suddenly vibrated, 'Did I find her?'

Yasenia and Angel followed the signal. When they reached in front of a cave entrance made of roots, Yasenia's nose twitched and picked up a lingering aroma. 'Soft, like recently cut grass, and like recently watered earth. This is Kali's scent without a doubt.'

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