Chapter 280. Crystal Cave and Mysterious woman.

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When Angel activated the formation, everything lit up for a second as the lasers bounced from node to node at extremely quick speeds, creating geometrical shapes.

Most of the lasers traversed at an extremely quick speed. It all disappeared in less than three seconds, returning the forest to its previous quietness.

Of course, this flash alerted some of them, but since it was just a short time frame, they didn't give it too much importance.

Regardless, they raised their guards. No matter how little importance, a flash in the middle of the night was nothing but suspicious. However, just raising their guards alone would not be enough to spot Angel.

The [Mirage formation] she built was different from the one she used in combat. It was much more powerful because she took time with it. She didn't cut on complex patterns and filled everything nicely.

The formation she built would be enough to fool even Unification Realm experts, not to mention these level eight and nine Mental Nourishing realm cultivators. Moreover, it also created an illusion that made people subconsciously ignore strange happenings around them for the duration of it. All events that would otherwise increase brain activity considerably entered the definition of "Strange happenings."

This was the main reason there wasn't an overreaction to her formation flash. Only those that previously were very attentive would have a chance to spot the strangeness of the situation, but who would be like that when most people standing on guard were basically forced to be there?

In short, Angel was able to walk across the people patrolling as if she didn't exist and reach the door.

After Angel approached the three-meter-tall light blue door, she took out the [Crystal Key] and searched for a place to insert it. However, things got out of control pretty quickly.

The key in Angel's hand dissolved and flowed toward the center of the three-meter-tall Crystal door. There was an opening there that filled the moment the key flowed into it.

The hole was precisely in the middle of a woman holding a mirror. The door had two main carvings: the woman holding a mirror and another woman looking at the heavens with majesty.

The whole door only had shades of blue, so even if it was an impressive work of art, the details in her facial features were limited. However, it was clear that this woman was someone important since even her carving gave a strange aura that imposed respect.

The hole the key filled was around the Heart area. Even the shape was heart-like. Of course, not the childlike heart shape, but a real heart shape.

Then, to Angel's surprise, the crystal heart pulsated, and the door radiated a multicolored light.


Angel felt it in her chest as if her own heart coordinated to do that heart palpitation. Angel rubbed her chest, feeling strangely connected to that crystal heart. But she didn't focus too much on that since the multicolored light it was emitting was not dim at all! Angel had a droplet of sweat going down her temple as her body became stiff, 'There is no way my formations can hide this...'

As if that wasn't enough to test her formation limits, another big event happened when the door opened in the middle, parting the two carvings.

The sound of moving doors was loud and imposing. Even the sweet and cute Angel was about to curse. She looked back, and as she expected, even her formation was not enough to make them ignore such a spectacle. 'Why do seniors like to make everything imposing!? Don't they know that they only make other people suffer!?'

But to Angel's surprise, the forest around them suddenly came to life as countless roots lashed around randomly, slamming every part of the area with big explosions. This event took the attention of every cultivator away from the doors.

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