Chapter 232. Kali's Surprise

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Everyone sucked a cold breath after Yasenia's attack.

Witnessing Lui Yi's violent death was something that could carve fear in a person's bones. Moreover, when they saw Yasenia standing in place with her fist outstretched, her face unchanging, the chill from the fear they felt was amplified.

Yasenia, however, was standing still because she was somewhat dazed for a moment. Right when her fist landed on the dantian of Liu Yi and burst it, the Trial Points he had were transferred toward her own dantian, adding 513 Trial Points. Yasenia was confused, 'Why did the Points transfer? I didn't get the points from those five I killed earlier. I need to ask the shopkeeper because if this is a thing, the danger of assassination will increase.'

Yasenia was really surprised and worried in her heart, but she didn't show it. She just calmly turned and walked back to Angel's, Kali's, and Sarah's side. Her face was calm, and her steps were as confident and relaxed as before. Yasenia stopped her skills with each step until she returned to her "base" form. She was still mulling about the recent kill. 'If points can be stolen, besides assassination, we could be targeted by other cultivators since we have much more points than the others. Although people treasure their lives, greed is a powerful pushing factor. Still, I hope my show of strength helps us deter most people, or it will become annoying once it becomes publicly known.'

In total, Yasenia currently had 3 213 Trial Points thanks to the attack flurry she slammed onto the Monolith. In truth, her points should be lower, but the red numbers gave more than the base 20 Trial Points, allowing Yasenia to reach this amount of Trial Points. That meant that, after deducing her previous 50 Trial Points and the recently stolen 513, Yasenia gained a total of 2 650 Points on the strength trial.

Quite a hefty sum, but it was still low compared with the prices of the recipes and some of the pills. She could only buy three of the most expensive pills! Yasenia gained a basic understanding of how difficult it was to earn points if you challenged low-level Monoliths. 'I should look for the strongest Monoliths around to gain Points faster. This town is basically a treasure land filled with ancient and lost recipes for most professions, so I have to milk it as much as Evelyn milks me!'

Yasenia's strange thoughts were interrupted when a golden bullet zoomed toward her. Yasenia chuckled and opened her arms to receive her little girl.

The golden bullet landed face first on her two melons. Yasenia expertly killed Angel's momentum spinning three times with extreme ease, already used to these tackles from her dear baby. Angel was jumping in her embrace and rubbing her face on Yasenia's softness to express her excitement. Were not because they were inside the secret realm, or she would probably have dragged Yasenia to a bedroom to have a nice roll on the sheets. Yasenia also became happy, and her tail wagged, "Did you like it so much, baby?"

"Yes, yes, yes! You were so gorgeous! Kyaa!! I love you the most!"

Kali approached and shyly hugged Yasenia's arm into her bosom, and although Yasenia couldn't see her face, Kali's wagging tail, twitching fox ears, and scent gave away how excited she was. "Even dear Kali is excited~."

Yasenia curled her long tail around Kali's and felt her wagging through her own tail. The dragoness was becoming aroused since both her dears were rubbing themselves on her too much. Yasenia's aura began changing slightly, becoming more alluring and seductive by the second.

The people who looked at her were left dazed as the dragoness's current demeanor seemed to be able to awaken the beasts in their hearts. Still, no one dared to move and adverted their eyes. 'After they complete this Monolith, let's find a safe place~. Fufufu, I'm going to make them show their excitement in another way~.'

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